
265 lines
7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "breakout.h"
#include "include/fb.h"
#include "include/multicore.h"
void initBricks(void)
int brickwidth = 32;
int brickheight = 8;
int brickspacer = 20;
const int brickcols[] = { 0x11, 0x22, 0xEE, 0x44, 0x66 };
int ybrick = MARGIN + brickheight;
for (int i=0; i<ROWS; i++) {
int xbrick = MARGIN + (VIRTWIDTH/COLS/2) - (brickwidth/2);
for (int j = 0; j<COLS; j++) {
objects[numobjs].type = OBJ_BRICK;
objects[numobjs].x = xbrick;
objects[numobjs].y = ybrick;
objects[numobjs].width = brickwidth;
objects[numobjs].height = brickheight;
objects[numobjs].color = brickcols[i];
objects[numobjs].alive = 1;
objects[numobjs].redraw = 1;
objects[numobjs].move = 0;
xbrick += (VIRTWIDTH/COLS);
ybrick = ybrick + brickspacer;
void initBall(void)
objects[numobjs].type = OBJ_BALL;
objects[numobjs].x = (WIDTH/2) - ballradius;
objects[numobjs].y = (HEIGHT/2) - ballradius;
objects[numobjs].width = ballradius * 2;
objects[numobjs].height = ballradius * 2;
objects[numobjs].color = 0x55;
objects[numobjs].alive = 1;
objects[numobjs].redraw = 1;
objects[numobjs].move = 0;
ball = &objects[numobjs];
void initPaddle(void)
int paddleheight = 20;
int startx = MARGIN + (dir * ((VIRTWIDTH - paddlewidth + MARGIN)/100));
objects[numobjs].type = OBJ_PADDLE;
objects[numobjs].x = startx;
objects[numobjs].y = (HEIGHT-MARGIN-paddleheight);
objects[numobjs].width = paddlewidth;
objects[numobjs].height = paddleheight;
objects[numobjs].color = 0x11;
objects[numobjs].alive = 1;
objects[numobjs].redraw = 1;
objects[numobjs].move = 0;
paddle = &objects[numobjs];
void initScoreboard(int points, int lives)
objects[numobjs].type = OBJ_SCOREBOARD;
objects[numobjs].x = lives;
objects[numobjs].y = points;
objects[numobjs].width = 0; // unused
objects[numobjs].height = 0; // unused
objects[numobjs].color = 0x0f;
objects[numobjs].alive = 1;
objects[numobjs].redraw = 1;
objects[numobjs].move = 0;
scoreboard = &objects[numobjs];
void updateScoreboard(int points, int lives)
while (scoreboard->move || scoreboard->redraw); // Wait for any current move/redraw to finish
scoreboard->x = lives;
scoreboard->y = points;
scoreboard->redraw = 1;
void initEndgame(void)
objects[numobjs].type = OBJ_ENDGAME;
objects[numobjs].x = 0;
objects[numobjs].y = 0;
objects[numobjs].width = 0; // unused
objects[numobjs].height = 0; // unused
objects[numobjs].color = 0;
objects[numobjs].alive = 0;
objects[numobjs].redraw = 0;
objects[numobjs].move = 0;
endgame = &objects[numobjs];
void updateEndgame(int gameover, int welldone)
while (endgame->move || endgame->redraw); // Wait for any current move/redraw to finish
endgame->x = gameover;
endgame->y = welldone;
endgame->color = welldone ? 0x02 : 0x04;
endgame->alive = gameover | welldone;
endgame->redraw = 1;
void removeObject(volatile struct Object *object)
while (object->move || object->redraw); // Wait for any current move/redraw to finish
object->alive = 0;
object->redraw = 1;
volatile struct Object *detectObjectCollision(volatile struct Object *with, int xoff, int yoff)
for (int i=0; i<numobjs;i++) {
if (&objects[i] != with && objects[i].alive == 1) {
if (with->x + xoff > objects[i].x + objects[i].width || objects[i].x > with->x + xoff + with->width) {
// with is too far left or right to collide
} else if (with->y + yoff > objects[i].y + objects[i].height || objects[i].y > with->y + yoff + with->height) {
// with is too far up or down to collide
} else {
// Collision!
return &objects[i];
return 0;
void moveObject(volatile struct Object *object, int x, int y)
while (object->move || object->redraw); // Wait for any current move/redraw to finish
object->newx = x;
object->newy = y;
object->move = 1;
const int ballradius = 15;
const int paddlewidth = 80;
volatile unsigned char dir = 50;
volatile unsigned int numobjs;
volatile struct Object *objects = (struct Object *)HEAP_ADDRESS;
volatile struct Object *ball;
volatile struct Object *paddle;
volatile struct Object *scoreboard;
volatile struct Object *endgame;
void breakout_init()
numobjs = 0;
initScoreboard(0, NUM_LIVES);
void breakout()
volatile struct Object *foundObject;
int bricks = ROWS * COLS;
int lives = NUM_LIVES;
int points = 0;
int velocity_x = 1;
int velocity_y = 3;
while (lives > 0 && bricks > 0) {
// Are we going to hit anything?
foundObject = detectObjectCollision(ball, velocity_x, velocity_y);
if (foundObject) {
if (foundObject == paddle) {
velocity_y = -velocity_y;
// Are we going to hit the side of the paddle
if (ball->x + ball->width + velocity_x == paddle->x || ball->x + velocity_x == paddle->x + paddle->width) velocity_x = -velocity_x;
} else if (foundObject->type == OBJ_BRICK) {
velocity_y = -velocity_y;
updateScoreboard(points, lives);
moveObject(ball, ball->x + velocity_x, ball->y + velocity_y);
// Check we're in the game arena still
if (ball->x + ball->width >= WIDTH-MARGIN) {
velocity_x = -velocity_x;
} else if (ball->x <= MARGIN) {
velocity_x = -velocity_x;
} else if (ball->y + ball->height >= HEIGHT-MARGIN) {
updateScoreboard(points, lives);
if (lives) {
} else if (ball->y <= MARGIN) {
velocity_y = -velocity_y;
// Show endgame state
if (bricks == 0) {
updateEndgame(0, 1);
} else {
updateEndgame(1, 0);
wait_msec(0x500000); // Wait 5 seconds
// Clear endgame state
updateEndgame(0, 0);
wait_msec(0x100000); // Wait 1 second
void main()
fb_init(); // Init the screen for debug
start_core3(comms_core); // Start the comms engine (core 3)
while (!comms_up); // Wait for comms up
breakout_init(); // Initialise the game engine (core 0)
start_core1(gfx_core); // Start the graphics engine (core 1)
start_core2(snd_core); // Start the sound engine (core 2)
while (1) {
breakout(); // Run the game
breakout_init(); // Re-initialise the game engine