Site now pulls built man pages.

This commit is contained in:
Jordan Bancino 2023-04-29 18:39:01 +00:00
parent f819093b7d
commit e0c94d7bd2
9 changed files with 296 additions and 82 deletions

View file

@ -23,17 +23,17 @@ Milestone: v0.3.0
[ ] Documentation
[x] Array
[x] Io
[ ] Stream
[ ] Tls
[x] Stream
[x] Tls
[x] HttpClient
[ ] Uri
[x] Uri
[ ] td
[ ] tt
[ ] http-debug-server
[ ] tp
[ ] send-patch
[x] Log
[ ] TelodendriaConfig -> Config
[x] TelodendriaConfig -> Config
[x] HashMap
[x] HttpRouter
[x] Html

View file

@ -511,7 +511,8 @@ HeaderParse(Stream * stream, HeaderExpr * expr)
if (strcmp(word, "struct") == 0 ||
strcmp(word, "enum") == 0 ||
strcmp(word, "const") == 0)
strcmp(word, "const") == 0 ||
strcmp(word, "unsigned") == 0)
word = HeaderConsumeWord(expr);

View file

@ -120,14 +120,14 @@ typedef struct Config
* set the ok flag to 0. The caller should always check the ok flag,
* and if there is an error, it should display the error to the user.
Config * ConfigParse(HashMap *);
extern Config * ConfigParse(HashMap *);
* Free all the values inside of the given configuration structure,
* as well as the structure itself, such that it is completely invalid
* when this function returns.
void ConfigFree(Config *);
extern void ConfigFree(Config *);
* Check whether or not the configuration exists in the database,

View file

@ -24,76 +24,200 @@
* @Nm Stream
* @Nd An abstraction over the Io API that implements standard C I/O.
* @Dd April 29 2023
* @Xr Io
* .Nm
* implements an abstraction layer over the Io API. This layer buffers
* I/O and makes it much easier to work with, mimicking the standard
* C library and offering some more convenience features.
#include <Io.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
* An opaque structure analogous to C's FILE pointers.
typedef struct Stream Stream;
extern Stream *
StreamIo(Io * io);
* Create a new stream using the specified Io for underlying I/O
* operations.
extern Stream * StreamIo(Io * io);
extern Stream *
* Create a new stream using the specified POSIX file descriptor.
* This is a convenience function for calling
* .Fn IoFd
* and then passing the result into
* .Fn StreamIo .
extern Stream * StreamFd(int);
extern Stream *
StreamFile(FILE *);
* Create a new stream using the specified C FILE pointer. This is a
* convenience function for calling
* .Fn IoFile
* and then passing the result into
* .Fn StreamIo .
extern Stream * StreamFile(FILE *);
extern Stream *
StreamOpen(const char *, const char *);
* Create a new stream using the specified path and mode. This is a
* convenience function for calling
* .Xr fopen 3
* and then passing the result into
* .Fn StreamFile .
extern Stream * StreamOpen(const char *, const char *);
extern Stream *
* Get a stream that writes to the standard output.
extern Stream * StreamStdout(void);
extern Stream *
* Get a stream that writes to the standard error.
extern Stream * StreamStderr(void);
extern Stream *
* Get a stream that reads from the standard input.
extern Stream * StreamStdin(void);
extern int
StreamClose(Stream *);
* Close the stream. This flushes the buffers and closes the underlying
* Io. It is analogous to the standard
* .Xr fclose 3
* function.
extern int StreamClose(Stream *);
extern int
StreamVprintf(Stream *, const char *, va_list);
* Print a formatted string. This function is analogous to the standard
* .Xr vfprintf 3
* function.
extern int StreamVprintf(Stream *, const char *, va_list);
extern int
StreamPrintf(Stream *, const char *,...);
* Print a formatted string. This function is analogous to the
* standard
* .Xr fprintf 3
* function.
extern int StreamPrintf(Stream *, const char *,...);
extern int
StreamGetc(Stream *);
* Get a single character from a stream. This function is analogous to
* the standard
* .Xr fgetc 3
* function.
extern int StreamGetc(Stream *);
extern int
StreamUngetc(Stream *, int);
* Push a character back onto the input stream. This function is
* analogous to the standard
* .Xr ungetc 3
* function.
extern int StreamUngetc(Stream *, int);
extern int
StreamPutc(Stream *, int);
* Write a single character to the stream. This function is analogous
* to the standard
* .Xr fputc 3
* function.
extern int StreamPutc(Stream *, int);
extern int
StreamPuts(Stream *, char *);
* Write a null-terminated string to the stream. This function is
* analogous to the standard
* .Xr fputs 3
* function.
extern int StreamPuts(Stream *, char *);
extern char *
StreamGets(Stream *, char *, int);
* Read at most the specified number of characters minus 1 from the
* specified stream and store them at the memory located at the
* specified pointer. This function is analogous to the standard
* .Xr fgets 3
* function.
extern char * StreamGets(Stream *, char *, int);
extern off_t
StreamSeek(Stream *, off_t, int);
* Set the file position indicator for the specified stream. This
* function is analogous to the standard
* .Xr fseeko
* function.
extern off_t StreamSeek(Stream *, off_t, int);
extern int
StreamEof(Stream *);
* Test the end-of-file indicator for the given stream, returning a
* boolean value indicating whether or not it is set. This is analogous
* to the standard
* .Xr feof 3
* function.
extern int StreamEof(Stream *);
extern int
StreamError(Stream *);
* Test the stream for an error condition, returning a boolean value
* indicating whether or not one is present. This is analogous to the
* standard
* .Xr ferror 3
* function.
extern int StreamError(Stream *);
extern void
StreamClearError(Stream *);
* Clear the error condition associated with the given stream, allowing
* future reads or writes to potentially be successful. This functio
* is analogous to the standard
* .Xr clearerr 3
* function.
extern void StreamClearError(Stream *);
extern int
StreamFlush(Stream *);
* Flush all buffered data using the streams underlying write function.
* This function is analogous to the standard
* .Xr fflush 3
* function.
extern int StreamFlush(Stream *);
extern ssize_t
StreamCopy(Stream *, Stream *);
* Read all the bytes from the first stream and write them to the
* second stream. This is analogous to
* .Fn IoCopy ,
* but it uses the internal buffers of the streams. It is probably
* less efficient than doing a
* .Fn IoCopy
* instead, but it is more convenient.
extern ssize_t StreamCopy(Stream *, Stream *);
extern int
StreamFileno(Stream *);
* Get the file descriptor associated with the given stream, or -1 if
* the stream is not associated with any file descriptor. This function
* is analogous to the standard
* .Xr fileno 3
* function.
extern int StreamFileno(Stream *);

View file

@ -24,34 +24,86 @@
* @Nm Tls
* @Nd Interface to platform-dependent TLS libraries.
* @Dd April 29 2023
* @Xr Stream Io
* .Nm
* provides an interface to platform-dependent TLS libraries. It allows
* Telodendria to support any TLS library with no changes to existing
* code. Support for additional TLS libraries is added by creating a
* new compilation unit that implements all the functions here, with
* the exception of a few, which are noted.
* .Pp
* Currently, Telodendria has support for the following TLS libraries:
* .Bl -bullet -offset indent
* .It
* LibreSSL
* .It
* OpenSSL
* .El
#include <Stream.h>
#define TLS_LIBRESSL 2
#define TLS_OPENSSL 3
extern Stream *
TlsClientStream(int, const char *);
extern Stream *
TlsServerStream(int, const char *, const char *);
* These are provided by individual TLS implementations.
* Create a new TLS client stream using the given file descriptor and
* the given server hostname. The hostname should be used to verify
* that the server actually is who it says it is.
* .Pp
* This function does not need to be implemented by the individual
* TLS support stubs.
extern Stream * TlsClientStream(int, const char *);
extern void *
TlsInitClient(int, const char *);
* Create a new TLS server stream using the given certificate and key
* file, in the format natively supported by the TLS library.
* .Pp
* This function does not need to be implemented by the individual
* TLS support stubs.
extern Stream * TlsServerStream(int, const char *, const char *);
extern void *
TlsInitServer(int, const char *, const char *);
* Initialize a cookie that stores information about the given client
* connection. This cookie will be passed into the other functions
* defined by this API.
extern void * TlsInitClient(int, const char *);
extern ssize_t
TlsRead(void *, void *, size_t);
* Initialize a cookie that stores information about the given
* server connection. This cookie will be passed into the other
* functions defined by this API.
extern void * TlsInitServer(int, const char *, const char *);
extern ssize_t
TlsWrite(void *, void *, size_t);
* Read from a TLS stream, decrypting it and storing the result in the
* specified buffer. This function takes the cookie, buffer, and
* number of decrypted bytes to read into it. See the documentation for
* .Fn IoRead .
extern ssize_t TlsRead(void *, void *, size_t);
extern int
TlsClose(void *);
* Write to a TLS stream, encrypting the buffer. This function takes
* the cookie, buffer, and number of unencrypted bytes to write to
* the stream. See the documentation for
* .Fn IoWrite .
extern ssize_t TlsWrite(void *, void *, size_t);
* Close the TLS stream, also freeing all memory associated with the
* cookie.
extern int TlsClose(void *);
#endif /* TELODENDRIA_TLS_H */

View file

@ -24,10 +24,28 @@
* @Nm Uri
* @Nd Parse a URI. Typically used to parse HTTP(s) URLs.
* @Dd April 29 2023
* @Xr Http
* .Nm
* provides a simple mechanism for parsing URIs. This is an extremely
* basic parser that (ab)uses
* .Xr sscanf 3
* to parse URIs, so it may not be the most reliable, but it should
* work in most cases and on reasonable URIs that aren't too long, as
* the _MAX definitions are modest.
#define URI_PROTO_MAX 8
#define URI_HOST_MAX 128
#define URI_PATH_MAX 256
* The parsed URI is stored in this structure.
typedef struct Uri
char proto[URI_PROTO_MAX];
@ -36,10 +54,16 @@ typedef struct Uri
unsigned short port;
} Uri;
extern Uri *
UriParse(const char *);
* Parse a URI string into the Uri structure as described above, or
* return NULL if there was a parsing error.
extern Uri * UriParse(const char *);
extern void
UriFree(Uri *);
* Free the memory associated with a Uri structure returned by
* .Fn UriParse .
extern void UriFree(Uri *);
#endif /* TELODENDRIA_URI_H */

View file

@ -181,9 +181,6 @@ extern int UserCheckPassword(User *, char *);
extern int UserSetPassword(User *, char *);
extern int
UserDeactivate(User *);
* Immediately deactivate the given user account such that it can no
* longer be used to log in, but the username is still reserved. This
@ -191,6 +188,14 @@ extern int
* of a given localpart. The user is logged out; all access tokens are
* invalidated.
extern int UserDeactivate(User *);
* Return a boolean value indicating whether or not the user was
* deactivated using
* .Fn UserDeactivate .
* Note that once deactivated, users cannot be reactivated.
extern int UserDeactivated(User *);

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ printf "<th>Man Page</th>"
printf "<th>Description</th>"
printf "</tr>"
find man -type f -name '*.[1-9]' | sort -r | while IFS= read -r file; do
find man build/man -type f -name '*.[1-9]' | sort -r | while IFS= read -r file; do
base=$(basename "$file")
name=$(echo "$base" | rev | cut -d '.' -f 2- | rev)

View file

@ -123,6 +123,10 @@ recipe_docs() {
if which makewhatis 2>&1 > /dev/null; then
makewhatis "$(pwd)/man"
# Build the source code, and generate the 'build/telodendria'
@ -178,6 +182,8 @@ recipe_build() {
if ! intcheck; then
exit 1
recipe_run() {
@ -239,6 +245,8 @@ recipe_site() {
exit 1
# Set some variables that may be replaced in the files.
USER_DOCS=$(man-table user)
@ -256,15 +264,15 @@ recipe_site() {
cd - >/dev/null
find man/ -name '*.[1-9]' | while IFS= read -r man; do
dir=$(dirname "$man")
find man/ build/man/ -name '*.[1-9]' | while IFS= read -r man; do
section=$(basename "$man" | rev | cut -d '.' -f 1 | rev)
html=$(basename "$man")
mkdir -p "$TELODENDRIA_PUB/$dir/"
mkdir -p "$TELODENDRIA_PUB/man/man$section/"
mandoc -Thtml \
-O style=/style.css,man=/man/man%S/%N.%S.html "$man" \
echo "$TELODENDRIA_PUB/$dir/$html.html"
echo "$TELODENDRIA_PUB/man/man$section/$html.html"