#!/usr/bin/env sh # # tp: "Telodendria Patch" # # This script is used to manage the patch queue. if [ -f "$(pwd)/.env" ]; then . "$(pwd)/.env" fi if [ -z "$TELODENDRIA_PUB" ]; then echo "TELODENDRIA_PUB not set." exit 1 fi TP_DIR="$TELODENDRIA_PUB/patches" CURL="curl -s" if [ ! -d "$TP_DIR" ]; then echo "$TP_DIR does not exist." exit 1 fi matrix_send() { msg="$1" if [ ! -z "$msg" ]; then jq --null-input \ --arg body "$msg" \ --arg formatted_body "$msg" \ --arg format "org.matrix.custom.html" \ --arg msgtype "m.text" \ '{"body":$body,"formatted_body":$formatted_body,"format":$format,"msgtype":$msgtype}' | $CURL -X PUT -d @- "$HOMESERVER/client/v3/rooms/$ROOM_ID/send/m.room.message/$(date +%s)?access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN" fi } matrix_get_files() { $CURL "$HOMESERVER/client/v3/sync?access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN" | jq ".rooms.join.\"$ROOM_ID\".timeline.events[] | select(.type==\"m.room.message\") | .content | select(.msgtype==\"m.file\") | [.body,.info.size,.url] | @tsv" | cut -d '"' -f 2 | sed 's/\\t/,/g' } case "$1" in "ingress") matrix_get_files | while IFS="," read -r file size url; do server=$(echo "$url" | cut -d '/' -f 3) id=$(echo "$url" | cut -d '/' -f 4) ext=$(echo "$file" | rev | cut -d '.' -f 1 | rev) if [ "$ext" != "patch" ] || [ "$size" -gt "$MAX_SIZE" ] || [ -f "$TP_DIR/ingress/$id.patch" ]; then continue fi $CURL -o "$TP_DIR/ingress/$id.patch" "$HOMESERVER/media/v3/download/$server/$id" count=$(cat "$TP_DIR/count.txt") count=$((count + 1)) cp "$TP_DIR/ingress/$id.patch" "$TP_DIR/p/$count.patch" ( cd "$TP_DIR/queued" ln -s "../p/$count.patch" "$count.patch" ) echo "$count" > "$TP_DIR/count.txt" matrix_send "Queued <code>$file</code> as <a href=\"https://telodendria.io/patches/p/$count.patch\">#$count</a>" done ;; "queue") find "$TP_DIR/queued" -name '*.patch' | while IFS= read -r patch; do n=$(basename "$patch" .patch) echo "Patch #$n:" head -n3 "$patch" echo done ;; "view") if [ -f "$TP_DIR/queued/$2.patch" ]; then less "$TP_DIR/queued/$2.patch" else echo "Patch #$2 doesn't exist in the queue." exit 1 fi ;; "apply") if [ -f "$TP_DIR/queued/$2.patch" ]; then patch < "$TP_DIR/queued/$2.patch" else echo "Patch #$2 doesn't exist in the queue." exit 1 fi ;; "reverse") if [ -f "$TP_DIR/queued/$2.patch" ]; then patch -R < "$TP_DIR/queued/$2.patch" else echo "Patch #$2 doesn't exist in the queue." exit 1 fi ;; "accept"|"reject") if [ -f "$TP_DIR/queued/$2.patch" ]; then mv "$TP_DIR/queued/$2.patch" "$TP_DIR/${1}ed/$2.patch" msg="Patch <a href=\"https://telodendria.io/patches/p/$2.patch\">#$2</a> was marked as ${1}ed." msgFile="/tmp/patchmsg-$(date +%s).txt" $EDITOR "$msgFile" if [ -f "$msgFile" ]; then msg="$msg<br><blockquote>$(cat $msgFile)</blockquote>" fi matrix_send "$msg" else echo "Patch #$2 doesn't exist in the queue." exit 1 fi ;; *) echo "No action specified." exit 1 ;; esac