#!/usr/bin/env sh # # Set variables # # This syntax may look odd, but as far as I can tell, it is POSIX, # and it allows the values to be overridden by the environment, # such that these serve more as sane defaults than hard requirements. # : "${TELODENDRIA_VERSION:=0.0.0}" : "${CVS_TAG:=Telodendria-$(echo $TELODENDRIA_VERSION | sed 's/\./_/g')}" : "${HEADERS:=-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199506L -DTELODENDRIA_VERSION=\"$TELODENDRIA_VERSION\"}" : "${INCLUDES:=-Isrc/include}" : "${CC:=cc}" : "${CFLAGS:=-Wall -Werror -pedantic -std=c89 -O3 $HEADERS $INCLUDES}" : "${LDFLAGS:=-static -flto -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -s -Wl,-static -Wl,-gc-sections}" : "${PROG:=telodendria}" if [ -f "$(pwd)/.env" ]; then . "$(pwd)/.env" fi mod_time() { if [ -n "$1" ] && [ -f "$1" ]; then case "$(uname)" in Linux) stat -c %Y "$1" ;; *BSD) stat -f %m "$1" ;; *) echo "0" ;; esac else echo "0" fi } recipe_build() { mkdir -p build do_rebuild=0 objs="" for src in $(find src -name '*.c'); do obj=$(echo "$src" | sed -e 's/^src/build/' -e 's/\.c$/\.o/') objs="$objs $obj" if [ $(mod_time "$src") -gt $(mod_time "$obj") ]; then echo "CC $obj" obj_dir=$(dirname "$obj") mkdir -p "$obj_dir" if ! $CC $CFLAGS -c -o "$obj" "$src"; then exit 1 fi do_rebuild=1 fi done if [ $do_rebuild -eq 1 ] || [ ! -f "build/$PROG" ]; then echo "LD build/$PROG" $CC $LDFLAGS -o "build/$PROG" $objs else echo "Up to date." fi } recipe_clean() { rm -rv build } recipe_format() { find src -name '*.c' -or -name '*.h' | while IFS= read -r src; do echo "indent $src" if indent "$src"; then rm $(basename "$src").BAK fi done } recipe_test() { echo "Unit tests are not implemented yet." } recipe_site() { if [ -z "$TELODENDRIA_PUB" ]; then echo "No public root directory specified." echo "Set TELODENDRIA_PUB." exit 1 fi # In the future, this might do more. cp -v site/* "$TELODENDRIA_PUB/" } recipe_release() { if [ -z "$TELODENDRIA_PUB" ]; then echo "No public root directory specified." echo "Set TELODENDRIA_PUB." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$TELODENDRIA_SIGNIFY_SECRET" ]; then echo "No signify secret key specified." echo "Set TELODENDRIA_SIGNIFY_SECRET." exit 1 fi mkdir -p "$TELODENDRIA_PUB/pub/v$TELODENDRIA_VERSION" cd "$TELODENDRIA_PUB/pub/v$TELODENDRIA_VERSION" cvs export "-r$CVS_TAG" "Telodendria" mv "Telodendria" "Telodendria-v$TELODENDRIA_VERSION" tar -czf "Telodendria-v$TELODENDRIA_VERSION.tar.gz" \ "Telodendria-v$TELODENDRIA_VERSION" rm -r "Telodendria-v$TELODENDRIA_VERSION" sha256 "Telodendria-v$TELODENDRIA_VERSION.tar.gz" \ > "Telodendria-v$TELODENDRIA_VERSION.tar.gz.sha256" signify -S -s "$TELODENDRIA_SIGNIFY_SECRET" \ -m "Telodendria-v$TELODENDRIA_VERSION.tar.gz" \ -x "Telodendria-v$TELODENDRIA_VERSION.tar.gz.sig" } for recipe in $@; do recipe_$recipe done if [ -z "$1" ]; then recipe_build fi