.Dd $Mdocdate: November 6 2022 $ .Dt TELODENDRIA-SETUP 7 .Os Telodendria Project .Sh NAME .Nm telodendria-setup .Nd Guide to getting Telodendria running on your system. .Sh DESCRIPTION This page aims to provide a high-level overview of how to get Telodendria running on your system from source. It assumes that you're running OpenBSD, or know how to translate OpenBSD commands into your system's commands, and that you are using an an official distribution tarball. If you are using your system's package manager to install Telodendria, you should refer to the package maintainer's installation instructions instead of these instructions. .Pp If you're a package maintainer, or would like to be, these instructions might also be helpful for you as well; you can use them to learn how the process is designed to work, so you can mimic it on your system. .Sh PREREQUISITES To build Telodendria, you just need a POSIX system and C compiler. If your system does not ship with a C compiler, please install one before continuing with these directions. .Pp The build script relies on a POSIX shell implementation, as well as the standard userspace utilities specified by POSIX. .Pp This should be obvious, but you'll also need a way to download files to your machine, or otherwise copy them into place. You'll also need .Xr tar 1 , and .Xr gzip 1 to extract the downloaded tarball. .Sh GETTING THE CODE You can download the source code for Telodendria by going to the official website and downloading a tarball from the table. Otherwise, you can download the tarball and supplemental files directly: .Bd -literal -offset indent $ export VERSION=x.x.x # Set version of Telodendria you want $ ftp https://telodendria.io/pub/v$VERSION/Telodendria-v$VERSION.tar.gz $ ftp https://telodendria.io/pub/v$VERSION/Telodendria-v$VERSION.tar.gz.{sha256,sig} .Ed .Pp Before you extract the tarball, it is a good idea to verify both its checksum and its signature. Use .Xr sha256 1 to verify that the download was not corrupted in transit: .Bd -literal -offset indent $ sha256 -C Telodendria-v$VERSION.tar.gz.sha256 Telodendria-v$VERSION.tar.gz .Ed .Pp Use .Xr signify 1 to verify that the download was legitimately published by the Telodendria project: .Bd -literal -offset indent $ signify -V -p telodendria-signify.pub -m Telodendria-v$VERSION.tar.gz .Ed .Pp You can obtain .Pa telodendria-signify.pub from the official website. While you may absolutely obtain the tarball and checksum files from mirrors or other sources, do not obtain the public key file from any other sources than the official website. Downloads from other sources should be verified by the official public key only: .Bd -literal -offset indent $ ftp https://telodendria.io/telodendria-signify.pub .Ed .Pp Finally, only when the tarball is verified, you can extract it: .Bd -literal -offset indent $ tar -xzf Telodendria-v$VERSION.tar.gz $ cd Telodendria-v$VERSION .Ed .Sh BUILDING AND INSTALLING In the source directory, just run the following commands: .Bd -literal -offset indent $ . tools/env.sh $ td build $ doas td install .Ed .Pp This will compile the code, and install the output binary, along with all of the documentation and configuration files, to the system. .Pp .Sy Packagers: It might be beneficial to take a look at the install recipe in the .Xr td 8 script so you know what files go where. Adapt the general procedure for your operating system. .Sh CONFIGURATION A sufficiently complete configuration file should have been installed to .Pa /etc/telodendria.conf . Open it with your preferred editor, and go through each line, making sure everything is set appropriately for your setup. Consult the .Xr telodendria.conf 5 and .Xr Config 5 pages for a comprehensive list of all the available options and a description for each option, as well as the general syntax of the configuration file. You'll most certainly have to set your server's name and base URL. Optionally, specify an identity server, and whether or not you want to enable federation and registration. All other options should have sane defaults for most systems. .Sh STARTING TELODENDRIA Once you've written the configuration file, it should just be as easy as starting the .Dv telodendria daemon: .Bd -literal -offset indent $ rcctl enable telodendria $ rcctl start telodendria .Ed .Pp It might be a good idea to check the log file to make sure everything started okay and is running fine. .Pp At this point, it would be a very good idea to configure a reverse proxy. The .Pa contrib/ directory of the source code has an example .Xr relayd.conf 5 file which can be installed as-is into the typical location, or integrated into an existing configuration. At some point in the future, a reverse proxy may not be required for TLS, but it will always be recommended because it provides more control and security. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr td 8 , .Xr telodendria.conf 5 , .Xr telodendria 8