# Administrator API: Process Control This document describes the administrator APIs that allow a server administrator to manage the Telodendria process itself. ## API Endpoints ### **POST** `/_telodendria/admin/v1/restart` Restart the Telodendria daemon cleanly. This endpoint will respond immediately after signaling to the daemon that it should be restarted as soon as possible. Note that the restart wmay not happen instantaneously, as Telodendria will finish processing all current requests before restarting. Also note that this is not a true restart; the process does not exit and restart, rather, Telodendria simply tears down all its state and then jumps back to the beginning of its code and starts over. | Requires Token | Rate Limited | |----------------|--------------| | Yes | Yes | | Response Code | Description | |---------------|-------------| | 200 | The restart request was successfully sent.| On success, this endpoint simply returns an empty JSON object. ### **POST** `/_telodendria/admin/v1/shutdown` Shut down the Telodendria process cleanly. This endpoint will respond immediately after signalling to the daemon that it should be shut down as soon as possible. Note that the shutdown may not happen instantaneously, as Telodendria will finish processing all current requests before shutting down. Also note that once shut down, Telodendria may be automatically restarted by the system's service manager. Otherwise, it will have to be manually restarted. This is a true shutdown; the Telodendria process exits as soon as possible. | Requires Token | Rate Limited | |----------------|--------------| | Yes | Yes | | Response Code | Description | |---------------|-------------| | 200 | The shutdown request was successfully sent.| On success, this endpoint simply returns an empty JSON object.