name: Setups Cytoplasm description: Setup Cytoplasm out inputs: checkout: description: Link to checkout from required: false default: Cytoplasm compiler: description: Compiler to use as CC required: false default: gcc install: description: Whenever to make install or not.(true/false) required: false default: true runs: using: composite steps: - name: Downloading Cytoplasm id: download-cyto shell: bash run: | echo Downloading from "${{inputs.checkout}}".. echo We are on "${{runner.os}}", requested as CC git clone${{inputs.checkout}} - name: Compiling ${{inputs.checkout}} id: compile shell: bash run: | echo Compiling ${{inputs.checkout}}... cd ${{inputs.checkout}} export CC="${{inputs.compiler}}" ./configure --prefix=/usr --no-static if ! make; then # Fails? Do it again. Hopefully, it should have # seen all of the schemas by then. ./configure --prefix=/usr --no-static make 2>&1 fi [ "${{inputs.install}}" = "true" ] && make install