[MOD] No longer use upstream

This commit is contained in:
lda 2023-11-03 12:09:56 +01:00
parent ecce010d14
commit f480219e43

View file

@ -1,43 +1,62 @@
name: Setups Cytoplasm
description: Setup Cytoplasm out
name: Setup Cytoplasm/Telodendria
description: Setup Cytoplasm or Telodendria out
description: Link to checkout from
required: false
default: Cytoplasm
description: Compiler to use as CC
required: false
default: gcc
description: Whenever to make install or not.(true/false)
description: SSL library used
required: false
default: true
default: openssl
using: composite
- name: Downloading Cytoplasm
id: download-cyto
- name: Downloading Cytoplasm/Telodendria
id: download-cyto-telo
if: "${{inputs.to_install == 'Cytoplasm' }}"
shell: bash
run: |
echo Downloading from "${{inputs.checkout}}"..
echo We are on "${{runner.os}}", requested as CC
git clone https://git.telodendria.io/Telodendria/${{inputs.checkout}}
echo Downloading Cytoplasm...
# Shallow build, since we don't have to deal with that.
git clone --depth=1 https://git.telodendria.io/Telodendria/Cytoplasm Cytoplasm
- name: Downloading Cytoplasm/Telodendria
id: download-cyto-telo
if: "${{inputs.to_install == 'Telodendria' }}"
shell: bash
run: |
# Download the right branch of Telodendria.
echo Downloading Telodendria...
git clone ${{github.repositoryUrl}} Telodendria
cd Telodendria
git checkout ${{github.ref_name}}
- name: Compiling ${{inputs.checkout}}
id: compile
shell: bash
run: |
echo Compiling ${{inputs.checkout}}...
cd ${{inputs.checkout}}
echo Compiling ${{inputs.to_install}}...
cd ${{inputs.to_install}}
export CC="${{inputs.compiler}}"
./configure --prefix=/usr --no-static
# We need to tell the valid SSL library if we're dealing with Cytoplasm.
# TODO: Install Cytoplasm to some temporary directory instead of being
# invasive and putting it in /usr.
[ "${{inputs.to_install}}" = "Cytoplasm" ] && ./configure --prefix=/usr --no-static --with-${{inputs.ssl}}
[ "${{inputs.to_install}}" = "Cytoplasm" ] || ./configure --no-static
if ! make; then
# Fails? Do it again. Hopefully, it should have
# seen all of the schemas by then.
# TODO: Fix this in Telodendria!
./configure --prefix=/usr --no-static
make 2>&1
[ "${{inputs.install}}" = "true" ] && make install
exit 0 # Oops!
echo Done!