/* * Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Jordan Bancino <@jordan:bancino.net> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_DEPENDENCIES 32 static char * Trim(char c, char *str) { while (*str == c) str++; return str; } static JsonType TypeToJsonType(char *type) { if (StrEquals(type, "object")) { return JSON_OBJECT; } else if (StrEquals(type, "array")) { return JSON_ARRAY; } else if (StrEquals(type, "string")) { return JSON_STRING; } else if (StrEquals(type, "integer")) { return JSON_INTEGER; } else if (StrEquals(type, "float")) { return JSON_FLOAT; } else if (StrEquals(type, "boolean")) { return JSON_BOOLEAN; } else { if (*type == '[' && type[strlen(type) - 1] == ']') { return JSON_ARRAY; } else { return JSON_OBJECT; } } } static char * JsonTypeToStr(JsonType type) { switch (type) { case JSON_OBJECT: return "JSON_OBJECT"; case JSON_ARRAY: return "JSON_ARRAY"; case JSON_STRING: return "JSON_STRING"; case JSON_INTEGER: return "JSON_INTEGER"; case JSON_FLOAT: return "JSON_FLOAT"; case JSON_BOOLEAN: return "JSON_BOOLEAN"; case JSON_NULL: default: return "JSON_NULL"; } } int Main(Array * args) { ArgParseState arg; int opt; int ret = EXIT_FAILURE; char *schema = NULL; char *header = NULL; char *impl = NULL; Stream *schemaFile = NULL; Stream *headerFile = NULL; Stream *implFile = NULL; HashMap *schemaJson = NULL; JsonValue *val; char *type; JsonValue *typeVal; HashMap *types; size_t i; Graph *dependencyGraph = GraphCreate(MAX_DEPENDENCIES); HashMap *typeToNode = HashMapCreate(); Array *requiredTypes = ArrayCreate(); Node *sortedNodes; size_t sortedNodesLen; Node *node; char *guard; char *headerName; if (!requiredTypes) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Unable to allocate memory for type name storage"); goto finish; } ArgParseStateInit(&arg); while ((opt = ArgParse(&arg, args, "s:h:c:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 's': schema = arg.optArg; break; case 'h': header = arg.optArg; break; case 'c': impl = arg.optArg; break; default: goto finish; } } if (!schema) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Please specify a schema with -s"); goto finish; } if (!header) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Please specify an output header with -h"); goto finish; } if (!impl) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Please specify an output C source file with -c"); goto finish; } schemaFile = StreamOpen(schema, "r"); if (!schemaFile) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Unable to open '%s' for reading.", schema); goto finish; } headerFile = StreamOpen(header, "w"); if (!headerFile) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Unable to open '%s' for writing.", header); goto finish; } implFile = StreamOpen(impl, "w"); if (!implFile) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Unable to open '%s' for writing.", impl); goto finish; } schemaJson = JsonDecode(schemaFile); if (!schemaJson) { Log(LOG_ERR, "JSON syntax error."); goto finish; } StreamClose(schemaFile); schemaFile = NULL; val = HashMapGet(schemaJson, "guard"); if (!val) { Log(LOG_WARNING, "Guard not specified, using 'J2S_SCHEMA_H', which may not be unique."); HashMapSet(schemaJson, "guard", JsonValueString("J2S_SCHEMA_H")); } else if (JsonValueType(val) != JSON_STRING) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Validation error: 'guard' must be a string."); goto finish; } val = HashMapGet(schemaJson, "header"); if (!val) { Log(LOG_WARNING, "Header name not specified, using 'Schema.h', which is probably wrong."); HashMapSet(schemaJson, "header", JsonValueString("Schema.h")); } else if (JsonValueType(val) != JSON_STRING) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Validation error: 'header' must be a string."); goto finish; } val = HashMapGet(schemaJson, "includes"); if (val && JsonValueType(val) != JSON_ARRAY) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Validation error: 'includes' must be an array."); goto finish; } for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(JsonValueAsArray(val)); i++) { if (JsonValueType(ArrayGet(JsonValueAsArray(val), 0)) != JSON_STRING) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Validation error: 'includes[%lu]' is not a string.", i); goto finish; } } val = HashMapGet(schemaJson, "types"); if (JsonValueType(val) != JSON_OBJECT) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Validation error: 'types' must be an object."); goto finish; } types = JsonValueAsObject(val); while (HashMapIterate(types, &type, (void **) &typeVal)) { HashMap *typeObj; JsonValue *typeTypeVal; char *typeType; JsonValue *typeFieldsVal; HashMap *typeFields; char *fieldName; JsonValue *fieldVal; HashMap *fieldObj; Node *typeNode; if (JsonValueType(typeVal) != JSON_OBJECT) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Validation error: 'types.%s' must be an object.", type); goto finish; } typeObj = JsonValueAsObject(typeVal); typeTypeVal = HashMapGet(typeObj, "type"); if (JsonValueType(typeTypeVal) != JSON_STRING) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Validation error: 'types.%s.type' must be a string.", type); goto finish; } typeType = JsonValueAsString(typeTypeVal); typeNode = HashMapGet(typeToNode, type); if (!typeNode) { typeNode = Malloc(sizeof(Node)); *typeNode = ArraySize(requiredTypes); HashMapSet(typeToNode, type, typeNode); ArrayAdd(requiredTypes, StrDuplicate(type)); } if (StrEquals(typeType, "struct") || StrEquals(typeType, "union")) { typeFieldsVal = HashMapGet(typeObj, "fields"); if (JsonValueType(typeFieldsVal) != JSON_OBJECT) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Validation error: 'types.%s.fields' must be an object.", type); goto finish; } typeFields = JsonValueAsObject(typeFieldsVal); while (HashMapIterate(typeFields, &fieldName, (void **) &fieldVal)) { char *fieldType; int isArrType = 0; JsonValue *requiredVal; JsonValue *ignoreVal; if (JsonValueType(fieldVal) != JSON_OBJECT) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Validation error: 'types.%s.fields.%s' must be an object.", type, fieldName); goto finish; } fieldObj = JsonValueAsObject(fieldVal); fieldType = JsonValueAsString(HashMapGet(fieldObj, "type")); if (!fieldType) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Validation error: 'types.%s.fields.%s.type' is required and must be a string.", type, fieldName); goto finish; } if (*fieldType == '[' && fieldType[strlen(fieldType) - 1] == ']') { fieldType++; fieldType[strlen(fieldType) - 1] = '\0'; isArrType = 1; } if (!StrEquals(fieldType, "object") && !StrEquals(fieldType, "array") && !StrEquals(fieldType, "string") && !StrEquals(fieldType, "integer") && !StrEquals(fieldType, "float") && !StrEquals(fieldType, "boolean")) { Node *node = HashMapGet(typeToNode, fieldType); if (!node) { node = Malloc(sizeof(Node)); *node = ArraySize(requiredTypes); HashMapSet(typeToNode, fieldType, node); ArrayAdd(requiredTypes, StrDuplicate(fieldType)); } GraphEdgeSet(dependencyGraph, *node, *typeNode, 1); } if (isArrType) { fieldType[strlen(fieldType)] = ']'; } requiredVal = HashMapGet(fieldObj, "required"); if (requiredVal && JsonValueType(requiredVal) != JSON_BOOLEAN) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Validation error: 'types.%s.fields.%s.required' must be a boolean.", type, fieldName); goto finish; } ignoreVal = HashMapGet(fieldObj, "ignore"); if (ignoreVal && JsonValueType(ignoreVal) != JSON_BOOLEAN) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Validation error: 'types.%s.fields.%s.ignore' must be a boolean.", type, fieldName); goto finish; } } } else if (StrEquals(typeType, "enum")) { typeFieldsVal = HashMapGet(typeObj, "fields"); if (JsonValueType(typeFieldsVal) != JSON_OBJECT) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Validation error: 'types.%s.fields' must be an object.", type); goto finish; } typeFields = JsonValueAsObject(typeFieldsVal); while (HashMapIterate(typeFields, &fieldName, (void **) &fieldVal)) { char *name; if (JsonValueType(fieldVal) != JSON_OBJECT) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Validation error: 'types.%s.fields.%s' must be an object.", type, fieldName); goto finish; } fieldObj = JsonValueAsObject(fieldVal); name = JsonValueAsString(HashMapGet(fieldObj, "name")); if (!name) { Log(LOG_ERR, "Validation error: 'types.%s.fields.%s.name' is required and must be a string.", type, fieldName); goto finish; } } } else if (StrEquals(typeType, "extern")) { /* * No code will be generated for this type. We simply assume that it exists. */ } else { Log(LOG_ERR, "Validation error: 'types.%s.type' must be 'struct' or 'enum'.", type); goto finish; } } sortedNodes = GraphTopologicalSort(dependencyGraph, &sortedNodesLen); GraphFree(dependencyGraph); for (i = 0; i < sortedNodesLen; i++) { char *type = ArrayGet(requiredTypes, sortedNodes[i]); if (!type) { continue; } if (!HashMapGet(types, type)) { Log(LOG_ERR, "No type definition for required type '%s'", type); goto finish; } } guard = JsonValueAsString(HashMapGet(schemaJson, "guard")); StreamPrintf(headerFile, "/* Generated by j2s */\n\n"); StreamPrintf(headerFile, "#ifndef %s\n", guard); StreamPrintf(headerFile, "#define %s\n\n", guard); StreamPrintf(headerFile, "#include \n"); StreamPrintf(headerFile, "#include \n"); StreamPrintf(headerFile, "#include \n"); StreamPutc(headerFile, '\n'); for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(JsonValueAsArray(HashMapGet(schemaJson, "include"))); i++) { char *h = JsonValueAsString(ArrayGet(JsonValueAsArray(HashMapGet(schemaJson, "include")), i)); StreamPrintf(headerFile, "#include <%s>\n", h); } StreamPutc(headerFile, '\n'); for (i = 0; i < sortedNodesLen; i++) { char *type = ArrayGet(requiredTypes, sortedNodes[i]); char *typeType; HashMap *fields; char *field; char *info; HashMap *fieldDesc; if (!type) { continue; } typeType = JsonValueAsString(JsonGet(types, 2, type, "type")); if (StrEquals(typeType, "extern")) { continue; } fields = JsonValueAsObject(JsonGet(types, 2, type, "fields")); if (StrEquals(typeType, "union")) { Array *keys = HashMapKeys(fields); size_t j; StreamPrintf(headerFile, "typedef enum %sType\n{\n", type); for (j = 0; j < ArraySize(keys); j++) { char *key = ArrayGet(keys, j); char *comma = j == ArraySize(keys) - 1 ? "\n" : ",\n"; StreamPrintf(headerFile, " %s_AS_%s%s", type, key, comma); } Free(keys); StreamPrintf(headerFile, "} %sType;\n\n", type); } info = StrEquals(typeType, "union") ? "Union" : ""; StreamPrintf(headerFile, "typedef %s %s%s\n{\n", typeType, type, info); if (StrEquals(typeType, "struct") || StrEquals(typeType, "union")) { while (HashMapIterate(fields, &field, (void **) &fieldDesc)) { char *fieldType; char *cType; fieldDesc = JsonValueAsObject((JsonValue *) fieldDesc); fieldType = JsonValueAsString(HashMapGet(fieldDesc, "type")); if (StrEquals(fieldType, "string")) { cType = "char *"; } else if (StrEquals(fieldType, "integer")) { cType = "Int64"; } else if (StrEquals(fieldType, "boolean")) { cType = "int"; } else if (StrEquals(fieldType, "float")) { cType = "double"; } else if (StrEquals(fieldType, "object")) { cType = "HashMap *"; } else if (StrEquals(fieldType, "array") || (*fieldType == '[' && fieldType[strlen(fieldType) - 1] == ']')) { cType = "Array *"; } else { cType = fieldType; } StreamPrintf(headerFile, " %s %s;\n", cType, field); } StreamPrintf(headerFile, "} %s%s;\n\n", type, info); /* TODO: Add extra "type" enum or something*/ if (StrEquals(typeType, "union")) { StreamPrintf(headerFile, "typedef struct %s {\n", type); StreamPrintf(headerFile, " %sType type;\n", type); StreamPrintf(headerFile, " %s%s value;\n", type, info); StreamPrintf(headerFile, "} %s;\n\n", type); } } else if (StrEquals(typeType, "enum")) { /* * Enums must be copied to an array because we have to know * where we're at to know whether or not we need the trailing * comma. */ Array *keys = HashMapKeys(fields); size_t j; for (j = 0; j < ArraySize(keys); j++) { char *key = ArrayGet(keys, j); char *name; char *value; fieldDesc = JsonValueAsObject(HashMapGet(fields, key)); name = JsonValueAsString(HashMapGet(fieldDesc, "name")); value = JsonValueAsString(HashMapGet(fieldDesc, "value")); if (value) { StreamPrintf(headerFile, " %s = %s", name, value); } else { StreamPrintf(headerFile, " %s", name); } if (j < ArraySize(keys) - 1) { StreamPutc(headerFile, ','); } StreamPutc(headerFile, '\n'); } ArrayFree(keys); StreamPrintf(headerFile, "} %s;\n\n", type); } } Free(sortedNodes); for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(requiredTypes); i++) { Free(ArrayGet(requiredTypes, i)); } ArrayFree(requiredTypes); while (HashMapIterate(typeToNode, &type, (void **) &node)) { Free(node); } HashMapFree(typeToNode); headerName = JsonValueAsString(HashMapGet(schemaJson, "header")); StreamPrintf(implFile, "/* Generated by j2s */\n\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, "#include <%s>\n\n", headerName); StreamPrintf(implFile, "#include \n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, "#include \n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, "#include \n"); StreamPutc(implFile, '\n'); while (HashMapIterate(types, &type, (void **) &typeVal)) { char *typeType = JsonValueAsString(JsonGet(types, 2, type, "type")); HashMap *fields = JsonValueAsObject(JsonGet(types, 2, type, "fields")); Array *keys = HashMapKeys(fields); if (StrEquals(typeType, "struct")) { StreamPrintf(headerFile, "extern int %sFromJson(HashMap *, %s *, char **);\n", type, type); StreamPrintf(implFile, "int\n%sFromJson(HashMap *json, %s *out, char **errp)\n{\n", type, type); StreamPrintf(implFile, " JsonValue *val;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " int enumParseRes;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, "\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " (void) enumParseRes;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, "\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (!json | !out)\n" " {\n" " *errp = \"Invalid pointers passed to %sFromJson()\";\n" " return 0;\n" " }\n\n" ,type); for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(keys); i++) { char *key = ArrayGet(keys, i); int required = JsonValueAsBoolean(JsonGet(fields, 2, key, "required")); int ignore = JsonValueAsBoolean(JsonGet(fields, 2, key, "ignore")); char *fieldType = JsonValueAsString(JsonGet(fields, 2, key, "type")); int isEnum = StrEquals(JsonValueAsString(JsonGet(types, 2, fieldType, "type")), "enum"); JsonType jsonType = isEnum ? JSON_STRING : TypeToJsonType(fieldType); char *jsonTypeStr = JsonTypeToStr(jsonType); if (ignore) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " /* Ignored field: %s */\n\n", key); continue; } StreamPrintf(implFile, " val = HashMapGet(json, \"%s\");\n", Trim('_', key)); StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (val)\n {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (JsonValueType(val) != %s)\n {\n", jsonTypeStr); StreamPrintf(implFile, " *errp = \"%s.%s must be of type %s.\";\n", type, Trim('_', key), fieldType); StreamPrintf(implFile, " return 0;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n\n"); if (StrEquals(fieldType, "array")) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " val = JsonValueDuplicate(val);\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " out->%s = JsonValueAsArray(val);\n", key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " Free(val); /* Not JsonValueFree() because we want the inner value. */\n"); } else if (StrEquals(fieldType, "object")) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " val = JsonValueDuplicate(val);\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " out->%s = JsonValueAsObject(val);\n", key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " Free(val); /* Not JsonValueFree() because we want the inner value. */\n"); } else if (*fieldType == '[' && fieldType[strlen(fieldType) - 1] == ']') { fieldType++; fieldType[strlen(fieldType) - 1] = '\0'; isEnum = StrEquals(JsonValueAsString(JsonGet(types, 2, fieldType, "type")), "enum"); jsonType = isEnum ? JSON_STRING : TypeToJsonType(fieldType); StreamPrintf(implFile, " out->%s = ArrayCreate();\n", key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (!out->%s)\n", key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " *errp = \"Failed to allocate memory for %s.%s.\";\n", type, key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " return 0;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " else\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " Array *arr = JsonValueAsArray(val);\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " size_t i;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, "\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " for (i = 0; i %s, ref);\n", key); *fieldType = tolower(*fieldType); } else if (StrEquals(fieldType, "string")) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (JsonValueType(v) != %s)\n", JsonTypeToStr(jsonType)); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " *errp = \"%s.%s[] contains an invalid value.\";\n", type, key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " return 0;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " ArrayAdd(out->%s, StrDuplicate(JsonValueAsString(v)));\n", key); } else if (StrEquals(fieldType, "object")) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (JsonValueType(v) != %s)\n", JsonTypeToStr(jsonType)); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " *errp = \"%s.%s[] contains an invalid value.\";\n", type, key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " return 0;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " ArrayAdd(out->%s, JsonDuplicate(JsonValueAsObject(v)));\n", key); } else { if (isEnum) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " int parseResult;\n"); } StreamPrintf(implFile, " %s *parsed;\n", fieldType); StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (JsonValueType(v) != %s)\n", JsonTypeToStr(jsonType)); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " *errp = \"%s.%s[] contains an invalid value.\";\n", type, key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " return 0;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " parsed = Malloc(sizeof(%s));\n", fieldType); StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (!parsed)\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " *errp = \"Unable to allocate memory for array value.\";\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " return 0;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); if (isEnum) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " parseResult = %sFromStr(JsonValueAsString(v));\n", fieldType); StreamPrintf(implFile, " *parsed = parseResult;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (parseResult == -1)\n"); } else { StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (!%sFromJson(JsonValueAsObject(v), parsed, errp))\n", fieldType); } StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); if (!isEnum) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " %sFree(parsed);\n", fieldType); } StreamPrintf(implFile, " Free(parsed);\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " return 0;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " ArrayAdd(out->%s, parsed);\n", key); } StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); fieldType[strlen(fieldType)] = ']'; } else if (jsonType == JSON_OBJECT) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (!%sFromJson(JsonValueAsObject(val), &out->%s, errp))\n {\n", fieldType, key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " return 0;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); } else { char *func; switch (jsonType) { case JSON_STRING: func = "String"; break; case JSON_INTEGER: func = "Integer"; break; case JSON_FLOAT: func = "Float"; break; case JSON_BOOLEAN: func = "Boolean"; break; default: /* Should not happen */ func = NULL; break; } if (jsonType == JSON_STRING) { if (isEnum) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " enumParseRes = %sFromStr(JsonValueAs%s(val));\n", fieldType, func); StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (enumParseRes == -1)\n", key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " *errp = \"Invalid value for %s.%s.\";\n", type, key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " return 0;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " out->%s = enumParseRes;\n", key); } else { StreamPrintf(implFile, " out->%s = StrDuplicate(JsonValueAs%s(val));\n", key, func); } } else { StreamPrintf(implFile, " out->%s = JsonValueAs%s(val);\n", key, func); } } StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); if (required) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " else\n {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " *errp = \"%s.%s is required.\";\n", type, key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " return 0;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); } StreamPutc(implFile, '\n'); } StreamPrintf(implFile, " return 1;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, "}\n\n"); StreamPrintf(headerFile, "extern HashMap * %sToJson(%s *);\n", type, type); StreamPrintf(implFile, "HashMap *\n%sToJson(%s *val)\n{\n", type, type); StreamPrintf(implFile, " HashMap *json;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, "\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (!val)\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " return NULL;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " json = HashMapCreate();\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (!json)\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " return NULL;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n\n"); for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(keys); i++) { char *key = ArrayGet(keys, i); char *fieldType = JsonValueAsString(JsonGet(fields, 2, key, "type")); int isEnum = StrEquals(JsonValueAsString(JsonGet(types, 2, fieldType, "type")), "enum"); int ignore = JsonValueAsBoolean(JsonGet(fields, 2, key, "ignore")); if (ignore) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " /* Ignored field: %s */\n\n", key); continue; } if (StrEquals(fieldType, "array")) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (val->%s)\n", key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " size_t i;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " Array *jsonArr = ArrayCreate();\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (!jsonArr)\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " JsonFree(json);\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " return NULL;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(val->%s); i++)\n", key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " ArrayAdd(jsonArr, JsonValueDuplicate(ArrayGet(val->%s, i)));\n", key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " HashMapSet(json, \"%s\", JsonValueArray(jsonArr));\n", Trim('_', key)); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); } else if (StrEquals(fieldType, "object")) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " HashMapSet(json, \"%s\", JsonValueObject(JsonDuplicate(val->%s)));\n", Trim('_', key), key); } else if (*fieldType == '[' && fieldType[strlen(fieldType) - 1] == ']') { int isPrimitive; fieldType++; fieldType[strlen(fieldType) - 1] = '\0'; isEnum = StrEquals(JsonValueAsString(JsonGet(types, 2, fieldType, "type")), "enum"); isPrimitive = StrEquals(fieldType, "integer") || StrEquals(fieldType, "boolean") || StrEquals(fieldType, "float"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (val->%s)\n", key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " size_t i;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " Array *jsonArr = ArrayCreate();\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (!jsonArr)\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " JsonFree(json);\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " return NULL;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(val->%s); i++)\n", key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); if (StrEquals(fieldType, "string")) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " ArrayAdd(jsonArr, JsonValueString(ArrayGet(val->%s, i)));\n", key); } else if (!isPrimitive) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " ArrayAdd(jsonArr, JsonValueObject(%sToJson(ArrayGet(val->%s, i))));\n", fieldType, key); } else { char *cType; if (StrEquals(fieldType, "integer")) { cType = "Int64"; } else if (StrEquals(fieldType, "float")) { cType = "double"; } else if (StrEquals(fieldType, "boolean")) { cType = "int"; } else { /* Should never happen */ cType = NULL; } *fieldType = toupper(*fieldType); StreamPrintf(implFile, " ArrayAdd(jsonArr, (JsonValue%s(*((%s *) ArrayGet(val->%s, i)))));\n", fieldType, cType, key); *fieldType = tolower(*fieldType); } StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " HashMapSet(json, \"%s\", JsonValueArray(jsonArr));\n", Trim('_', key)); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); fieldType[strlen(fieldType)] = ']'; } else { if (HashMapGet(types, fieldType)) { if (isEnum) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " HashMapSet(json, \"%s\", JsonValueString(%sToStr(val->%s)));\n", Trim('_', key), fieldType, key); } else { StreamPrintf(implFile, " HashMapSet(json, \"%s\", JsonValueObject(%sToJson(&val->%s)));\n", Trim('_', key), fieldType, key); } } else { *fieldType = toupper(*fieldType); StreamPrintf(implFile, " HashMapSet(json, \"%s\", JsonValue%s(val->%s));\n", Trim('_', key), fieldType, key); *fieldType = tolower(*fieldType); } } } StreamPrintf(implFile, " return json;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, "}\n\n"); StreamPrintf(headerFile, "extern void %sFree(%s *);\n", type, type); StreamPrintf(implFile, "void\n%sFree(%s *val)\n{\n", type, type); StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (!val)\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " return;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n\n"); for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(keys); i++) { char *key = ArrayGet(keys, i); char *fieldType = JsonValueAsString(JsonGet(fields, 2, key, "type")); int isEnum = StrEquals(JsonValueAsString(JsonGet(types, 2, fieldType, "type")), "enum"); if (StrEquals(fieldType, "array")) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (val->%s)\n", key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " size_t i;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(val->%s); i++)\n", key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " JsonValueFree(ArrayGet(val->%s, i));\n", key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " ArrayFree(val->%s);\n", key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); } else if (StrEquals(fieldType, "object")) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " JsonFree(val->%s);\n", key); } else if (StrEquals(fieldType, "string")) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " Free(val->%s);\n", key); } else if (*fieldType == '[' && fieldType[strlen(fieldType) - 1] == ']') { int isPrimitive; fieldType++; fieldType[strlen(fieldType) - 1] = '\0'; isEnum = StrEquals(JsonValueAsString(JsonGet(types, 2, fieldType, "type")), "enum"); isPrimitive = StrEquals(fieldType, "boolean") || StrEquals(fieldType, "float") || StrEquals(fieldType, "integer") || StrEquals(fieldType, "string"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " if (val->%s)\n", key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " size_t i;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(val->%s); i++)\n", key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " %sFree(ArrayGet(val->%s, i));\n", (!isEnum && !isPrimitive) ? fieldType : "", key); if (!isEnum && !isPrimitive) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " Free(ArrayGet(val->%s, i));\n", key); } StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " ArrayFree(val->%s);\n", key); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); fieldType[strlen(fieldType)] = ']'; } else { /* Ignore primitives but call the appropriate free * method on declared types that aren't "extern". */ char *fieldTypeType = JsonValueAsString(JsonGet(types, 2, fieldType, "type")); if (!isEnum && HashMapGet(types, fieldType) && !StrEquals(fieldTypeType, "extern")) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " %sFree(&val->%s);\n", fieldType, key); } } } StreamPrintf(implFile, "}\n\n"); StreamPutc(headerFile, '\n'); } else if (StrEquals(typeType, "enum")) { StreamPrintf(headerFile, "extern int %sFromStr(char *);\n", type); StreamPrintf(implFile, "int\n%sFromStr(char *str)\n{\n", type); for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(keys); i++) { char *key = ArrayGet(keys, i); if (i > 0) { StreamPrintf(implFile, " else if"); } else { StreamPrintf(implFile, " if"); } StreamPrintf(implFile, " (StrEquals(str, \"%s\"))\n {\n", Trim('_', key)); StreamPrintf(implFile, " return %s;\n", JsonValueAsString(JsonGet(fields, 2, key, "name"))); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); } StreamPrintf(implFile, " else\n {\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " return -1;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, "}\n\n"); StreamPrintf(headerFile, "extern char * %sToStr(%s);\n", type, type); StreamPrintf(implFile, "char *\n%sToStr(%s val)\n{\n", type, type); StreamPrintf(implFile, " switch (val)\n {\n"); for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(keys); i++) { char *key = ArrayGet(keys, i); char *name = JsonValueAsString(JsonGet(fields, 2, key, "name")); StreamPrintf(implFile, " case %s:\n", name); StreamPrintf(implFile, " return \"%s\";\n", Trim('_', key)); } StreamPrintf(implFile, " default:\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " return NULL;\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, " }\n"); StreamPrintf(implFile, "}\n\n"); StreamPutc(headerFile, '\n'); } ArrayFree(keys); } StreamPrintf(headerFile, "#endif /* %s */\n", guard); ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; finish: StreamClose(schemaFile); StreamClose(headerFile); StreamClose(implFile); JsonFree(schemaJson); return ret; }