/* * Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Jordan Bancino <@jordan:bancino.net> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #ifdef INT64_NATIVE #define Int64Sign(x) ((int) (((UInt64) (x)) >> 63)) #else #define Int64Sign(x) ((int) ((x).i[1] >> 31)) #endif size_t Int64Str(Int64 x, int base, char *out, size_t len) { static const char symbols[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; size_t i = len - 1; size_t j = 0; int neg = Int64Sign(x); Int64 base64 = Int64Create(0, base); if (neg) { x = Int64Neg(x); } /* We only have symbols up to base 16 */ if (base < 2 || base > 16) { return 0; } do { Int64 mod = Int64Rem(x, base64); Int32 low = Int64Low(mod); out[i] = symbols[low]; i--; x = Int64Div(x, base64); } while (Int64Gt(x, Int64Create(0, 0))); /* * Binary, octal, and hexadecimal are known to * be bit representations. Everything else (notably * decimal) should include the negative sign. */ if (base != 2 && base != 8 && base != 16) { if (neg) { out[i] = '-'; i--; } } while (++i < len) { out[j++] = out[i]; } out[j] = '\0'; return j; } #ifndef INT64_NATIVE /* No native 64-bit support, add our own */ Int64 Int64Create(UInt32 high, UInt32 low) { Int64 x; x.i[0] = low; x.i[1] = high; return x; } Int64 Int64Add(Int64 x, Int64 y) { Int64 z = Int64Create(0, 0); int carry; z.i[0] = x.i[0] + y.i[0]; carry = z.i[0] < x.i[0]; z.i[1] = x.i[1] + y.i[1] + carry; return z; } Int64 Int64Sub(Int64 x, Int64 y) { return Int64Add(x, Int64Neg(y)); } Int64 Int64Mul(Int64 x, Int64 y) { Int64 z = Int64Create(0, 0); int xneg = Int64Sign(x); int yneg = Int64Sign(y); if (xneg) { x = Int64Neg(x); } if (yneg) { y = Int64Neg(y); } /* while (y > 0) */ while (Int64Gt(y, Int64Create(0, 0))) { /* if (y & 1 != 0) */ if (Int64Neq(Int64And(y, Int64Create(0, 1)), Int64Create(0, 0))) { z = Int64Add(z, x); } x = Int64Sll(x, 1); y = Int64Sra(y, 1); } if (xneg != yneg) { z = Int64Neg(z); } return z; } typedef struct { Int64 q; Int64 r; } Int64Ldiv; static Int64Ldiv Int64LongDivision(Int64 n, Int64 d) { Int64Ldiv o; int i; int nneg = Int64Sign(n); int dneg = Int64Sign(d); o.q = Int64Create(0, 0); o.r = Int64Create(0, 0); if (Int64Eq(d, Int64Create(0, 0))) { raise(SIGFPE); return o; } if (nneg) { n = Int64Neg(n); } if (dneg) { d = Int64Neg(d); } for (i = 63; i >= 0; i--) { Int64 bit = Int64And(Int64Sra(n, i), Int64Create(0, 1)); o.r = Int64Sll(o.r, 1); o.r = Int64Or(o.r, bit); if (Int64Geq(o.r, d)) { o.r = Int64Sub(o.r, d); o.q = Int64Or(o.q, Int64Sll(Int64Create(0, 1), i)); } } if (nneg != dneg) { o.r = Int64Neg(o.r); o.q = Int64Neg(o.q); } return o; } Int64 Int64Div(Int64 x, Int64 y) { return Int64LongDivision(x, y).q; } Int64 Int64Rem(Int64 x, Int64 y) { return Int64LongDivision(x, y).r; } Int64 Int64Sll(Int64 x, int y) { Int64 z; if (!y) { return x; } z = Int64Create(0, 0); if (y < 32) { z.i[1] = (x.i[0] >> (32 - y)) | (x.i[1] << y); z.i[0] = x.i[0] << y; } else { z.i[1] = x.i[0] << (y - 32); } return z; } Int64 Int64Sra(Int64 x, int y) { Int64 z; int neg = Int64Sign(x); if (!y) { return x; } z = Int64Create(0, 0); if (y < 32) { z.i[0] = (x.i[1] << (32 - y)) | (x.i[0] >> y); z.i[1] = x.i[1] >> y; } else { z.i[0] = x.i[1] >> (y - 32); } if (neg) { Int64 mask = Int64Create(0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF); z = Int64Or(Int64Sll(mask, (64 - y)), z); } return z; } Int64 Int64And(Int64 x, Int64 y) { return Int64Create(x.i[1] & y.i[1], x.i[0] & y.i[0]); } Int64 Int64Or(Int64 x, Int64 y) { return Int64Create(x.i[1] | y.i[1], x.i[0] | y.i[0]); } Int64 Int64Xor(Int64 x, Int64 y) { return Int64Create(x.i[1] ^ y.i[1], x.i[0] ^ y.i[0]); } Int64 Int64Not(Int64 x) { return Int64Create(~(x.i[1]), ~(x.i[0])); } int Int64Eq(Int64 x, Int64 y) { return x.i[0] == y.i[0] && x.i[1] == y.i[1]; } int Int64Lt(Int64 x, Int64 y) { int xneg = Int64Sign(x); int yneg = Int64Sign(y); if (xneg != yneg) { return xneg > yneg; } else { if (xneg) /* Both negative */ { return x.i[1] > y.i[1] || (x.i[1] == y.i[1] && x.i[0] > y.i[0]); } else /* Both positive */ { return x.i[1] < y.i[1] || (x.i[1] == y.i[1] && x.i[0] < y.i[0]); } } } int Int64Gt(Int64 x, Int64 y) { int xneg = Int64Sign(x); int yneg = Int64Sign(y); if (xneg != yneg) { return xneg < yneg; } else { if (xneg) /* Both negative */ { return x.i[1] < y.i[1] || (x.i[1] == y.i[1] && x.i[0] < y.i[0]); } else /* Both positive */ { return x.i[1] > y.i[1] || (x.i[1] == y.i[1] && x.i[0] > y.i[0]); } } } #endif