
125 lines
4.2 KiB

#include "include/mb.h"
#define NULL 0
#define rgb(r,g,b) (r<<16)|(g<<8)|b
typedef struct {
short xres;
short yres;
short videomode;
long videobanksize;
short (*bankswitch)(short);
short screenwidth;
short screenheight;
} wgt_sys;
extern wgt_sys WGT_SYS;
/* A single palette register definition */
typedef struct
unsigned char r,g,b;
} color;
extern unsigned int vgapal[256];
/* A font definition */
typedef unsigned char * wgtfont;
extern unsigned char vgafont[224][8];
/* Text grid settings */
#define TEXTGRID_OFF 0
#define TEXTGRID_ON 1
/* Text transparency settings */
#define TEXTFG 0
#define TEXTBG 1
#define TEXTFGBG 2
/* Image transfer operations */
#define NORMAL 0
#define XRAY 1
/* Pointer to the active drawing page */
typedef unsigned int *block;
extern block abuf;
/* Pointer to the hardware framebuffer */
extern block fbuf;
/* Current drawing color */
extern unsigned int currentcolor;
/* Clipping boundaries */
extern short bx,by,tx,ty;
// ######## HELPER FUNCTIONS ########
void *memset(void *dest, unsigned int val, unsigned len);
void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, unsigned len);
void *memcpy_xray(void *dest, const void *src, unsigned len);
void *memcpy_char(void *dest, const void *src, unsigned len);
int memcmp(char *str1, char *str2, unsigned count);
int abs(int i);
int strlen(const char *str);
// ######## WGT FUNCTIONS ########
void debugstr(char *str);
void debugcrlf(void);
void debugreset(void);
void debugch(unsigned char b);
void debughex(unsigned int d);
void delay(unsigned int n);
void vga256(void);
void wsetcolor (unsigned int col);
void wline (short x, short y, short x2, short y2);
void whline (short x1, short x2, short y);
void wcls (unsigned int col);
unsigned int wgetpixel (short x, short y);
void wputpixel (short x, short y);
void wfastputpixel (short x, short y);
void wclip (short x, short y, short x2, short y2);
void wcircle (short x_center, short y_center, short radius);
void wfill_circle (short x_center, short y_center, short radius);
void wrectangle (short x, short y, short x2, short y2);
void wbar (short x, short y, short x2, short y2);
void wbutt (short x, short y, short x2, short y2);
void wsetrgb (unsigned char num, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue, color *pal);
void wsetpalette (unsigned char start, unsigned char finish, color *pal);
void wreadpalette (unsigned char start, unsigned char finish, color *palc);
void wfline (short x, short y, short x2, short y2);
void wstyleline (short x, short y, short x2, short y2, unsigned short style);
void wellipse (short x_center, short y_center, short x_radius, short y_radius);
void wfill_ellipse (short x_center, short y_center, short x_radius, short y_radius);
void wouttextxy (short x, short y, wgtfont font, char *string);
short woutchar (short asc, short xc, short yc, wgtfont font);
void wtextcolor (unsigned int col);
void wtextbackground (unsigned int col);
void wtexttransparent (short transparent);
void wtextgrid (short onoff);
void wregionfill (short x, short y);
void wfreeblock (block ptr);
short wgetblockwidth (block ptr);
short wgetblockheight (block ptr);
block wnewblock (short x, short y, short x2, short y2);
void wputblock (short x, short y, block src, short method);
block wallocblock (short width, short height);
void wdonetimer (void);
void winittimer (void);
void wsettimerspeed (int speed);
void wstarttimer (void (*rout)(), int speed);
void wstoptimer (void);
void wflipblock (block image, short direction);
block wloadblock (unsigned char *data);
void wloadpalette (unsigned char *data, color *pal);
void wresize (short x, short y, short x2, short y2, block image, short mode);
void wdissolve (block sourceimage, short *pattern, short speed);
void wsetscreen (block image);
void wnormscreen (void);
void wvertres (short x, short y, short y2, block image);
void wwipe (short x, short y, short x2, short y2, block image);
void wskew (short x, short y, block image, short degrees);
short wloadsprites (color *pal, unsigned char *file, block *image_array, short start, short end);
void wfreesprites (block *image_array, short start, short end);
void wcopyscreen (short x, short y, short x2, short y2, block source, short destx, short desty, block dest);