
53 lines
2 KiB

#include "wgt.h"
#define fastcopy memcpy
void wskew (short x, short y, block image, short degrees)
float newx, offs, slope;
long lnewx, lslope;
/* long values converted from floats (speed up) */
short ctr; /* y ctr */
short hgt, wid, display, shx, of2;
short onewx;
hgt = wgetblockheight (image); /* Find height of block */
wid = wgetblockwidth (image); /* Find width of block */
slope = (float)degrees / 45; /* Calculate slope of new image */
offs = ((float)hgt / 2)*slope; /* Find distance to shift horiz. */
newx = (float)x + offs; /* Calculate new x position */
onewx = newx; /* Store it as integer for clipping */
lnewx = (float)newx * 2000; /* Convert floating pt to long int */
lslope = (float)slope * 2000; /* Convert floating pt to long int */
/* Draw each row of image */
for (ctr = y; ctr < y + hgt - 1; ctr++)
if (onewx + wid > bx) display = bx + 1 - onewx;
/* Clip width */
else display = wid;
if (onewx < tx) /* See if image overlaps left clip */
of2 = tx - onewx; /* Find offset into bitmap */
shx = tx; /* Set to draw starting here */
display = display - of2; /* New width to draw */
shx = onewx; /* X value is fine */
of2 = 0; /* Use entire bitmap */
/* If width to display >0, and <= original width, and
we are within top and bottom Y clipping boundaries:
Copy row of bitmap to visual screen, using DISPLAY contiguous
if ((display > 0) & (display <= wid) & (ctr >= ty) & (ctr <= by))
fastcopy (&abuf[(ctr)*WGT_SYS.xres + shx], &image[(ctr - y)*wid + 2
+ of2], display);
lnewx = lnewx - lslope;
/* Find X position after shifting next row */
onewx = lnewx / 2000;
/* Calculate integer value from long int */