/********************************************* * vim:sw=8:ts=8:si:et * To use the above modeline in vim you must have "set modeline" in your .vimrc * Author: Guido Socher * Copyright:LGPL V2 * See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.0.html * * This file can be used to decide which functionallity of the * TCP/IP stack shall be available. By picking the right functions * you can significantly reduce the size of the resulting code. * *********************************************/ //@{ #ifndef IP_CONFIG_H #define IP_CONFIG_H //------------- functions in ip_arp_udp_tcp.c -------------- // an NTP client (ntp clock): #undef NTP_client // a spontanious sending UDP client (needed as well for DNS and DHCP) #undef UDP_client // a server answering to UDP messages #define UDP_server // a web server #undef WWW_server // to send out a ping: #undef PING_client #define PINGPATTERN 0x42 // a UDP wake on lan sender: #undef WOL_client // function to send a gratuitous arp #undef GRATARP // a "web browser". This can be use to upload data // to a web server on the internet by encoding the data // into the url (like a Form action of type GET): #undef WWW_client // if you do not need a browser and just a server: //#undef WWW_client // //------------- functions in websrv_help_functions.c -------------- // // functions to decode cgi-form data: #undef FROMDECODE_websrv_help // function to encode a URL (mostly needed for a web client) #undef URLENCODE_websrv_help #endif /* IP_CONFIG_H */ //@}