#include "../include/wgt.h" void wwipe (short x, short y, short x2, short y2, block image) { short t, distance; short wx, wy, dx, dy, bdx, bdy, incx, incy; unsigned int col; short swidth; swidth = wgetblockwidth (image); /* Do the line formula */ dx = x2 - x; dy = y2 - y; t = 0; wx = 0; wy = 0; if (dy < 0) incy = - 1; else incy = 1; if (dx < 0) incx = - 1; else incx = 1; bdx = abs (dx); bdy = abs (dy); if (bdx > bdy) distance = bdx; else distance = bdy; if (distance == bdx) { while (t <= distance) { if ((x >= tx) & (y >= ty) & (y <= by) & (x <= bx)) /* inside clipping? */ { col = image[y * swidth + x + 2]; /* get the colour */ abuf[y * WGT_SYS.xres + x] = col; /* put the pixel */ } wy += bdy; x += incx; t++; if (wy >= distance) { wy -= distance; y += incy; } } } else { while (t <= distance) { if ((x >= tx) & (y >= ty) & (y <= by) & (x <= bx)) { col = image[y * swidth + x + 2]; abuf[y*WGT_SYS.xres + x] = col; } wx += bdx; if (wx >= distance) { wx -= distance; x += incx; } y += incy; t++; } } }