#include "wgt.h" #define fastcopy memcpy void wsetscreen (block image) { if (image == NULL) { abuf = fbuf; WGT_SYS.xres = WGT_SYS.screenwidth; WGT_SYS.yres = WGT_SYS.screenheight; } else { WGT_SYS.xres = wgetblockwidth (image); /* Get virtual screen size */ WGT_SYS.yres = wgetblockheight (image); image += 2; abuf = image; } tx = 0; ty = 0; bx = WGT_SYS.xres - 1; by = WGT_SYS.yres - 1; } void wnormscreen (void) { abuf = fbuf; WGT_SYS.xres = WGT_SYS.screenwidth; WGT_SYS.yres = WGT_SYS.screenheight; tx = 0; ty = 0; bx = WGT_SYS.xres - 1; by = WGT_SYS.yres - 1; } void wcopyscreen (short x, short y, short x2, short y2, block source, short destx, short desty, block dest) { unsigned int swidth, dwidth; short width, height, display; short ctr; /* Y line counter */ if (source == NULL) { source = fbuf; /* Set to visual screen */ swidth = 320; } else { swidth = *source; source += 2; /* Skip over width and height */ } width = abs (x - x2) + 1; /* Width of each row to copy */ height = abs (y - y2) + 1; /* Height of area to copy */ if (destx + width > bx) display = bx + 1 - destx; else display = width; /* Clip width */ if (height > (by + 1 - desty)) height = (by + 1 - desty); source += x + (y * swidth); /* Clip height */ if (desty < ty) { source += (ty - desty) * swidth; height -= ty - desty; desty = ty; } /* clip y */ if (destx < tx) { source += tx - destx; display -= tx - destx; destx = tx; } /* clip x */ if (dest == NULL) { dest = fbuf; /* Set to visual screen */ dwidth = 320; } else { dwidth = *dest; dest += 2; } /* Skip over width & height in image data */ dest += destx + (desty * dwidth); /* Find row offset in image data */ if ((height > 0) && (display > 0)) for (ctr = y; ctr < y + height; ctr++) { fastcopy (dest, source, display); /* Copy DISPLAY bytes to dest */ source += swidth; /* Advance one row */ dest += dwidth; } }