#include "../net/enc28j60.h" #include "../include/fb.h" #include "../tcpip/ip_arp_udp_tcp.h" ENC_HandleTypeDef handle; // Structure for Ethernet header typedef struct { uint8_t DestAddrs[6]; uint8_t SrcAddrs[6]; uint16_t type; } EtherNetII; // Ethernet packet types #define ARPPACKET 0x0608 #define IPPACKET 0x0008 // Structure for an ARP Packet typedef struct { EtherNetII eth; uint16_t hardware; uint16_t protocol; uint8_t hardwareSize; uint8_t protocolSize; uint16_t opCode; uint8_t senderMAC[6]; uint8_t senderIP[4]; uint8_t targetMAC[6]; uint8_t targetIP[4]; } ARP; // ARP OpCodes #define ARPREPLY 0x0200 #define ARPREQUEST 0x0100 // ARP hardware types #define ETHERNET 0x0100 // MAC address to be assigned to the ENC28J60 uint8_t myMAC[6] = { 0xc0, 0xff, 0xee, 0xc0, 0xff, 0xee }; // Router MAC is not known to start with, and requires an ARP reply to find out uint8_t routerMAC[6] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff }; // IP address to be assigned to the ENC28J60 uint8_t deviceIP[4] = { 192, 168, 0, 66 }; // IP Address of the router, whose hardware address we will find using the ARP request uint8_t routerIP[4] = { 192, 168, 0, 1 }; // HELPER FUNCTIONS void *memset(void *dest, unsigned char val, unsigned short len) { uint8_t *ptr = dest; while (len-- > 0) *ptr++ = val; return dest; } void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, unsigned short len) { uint8_t *d = dest; const uint8_t *s = src; while (len--) *d++ = *s++; return dest; } uint8_t memcmp(void *str1, void *str2, unsigned count) { uint8_t *s1 = str1; uint8_t *s2 = str2; while (count-- > 0) { if (*s1++ != *s2++) return s1[-1] < s2[-1] ? -1 : 1; } return 0; } // MAIN FUNCTIONS void SendArpPacket(uint8_t *targetIP, uint8_t *deviceMAC) { /* Parameters: * targetIP - The target IP Address for the ARP request (the one whose hardware * address we want) * deviceMAC - The MAC address of the ENC28J60, i.e. the source MAC for the ARP * request */ ARP arpPacket; // The source of the packet will be the ENC28J60 MAC address memcpy(arpPacket.eth.SrcAddrs, deviceMAC, 6); // The destination is broadcast - a MAC address of FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF */ memset(arpPacket.eth.DestAddrs, 0xFF, 6); arpPacket.eth.type = ARPPACKET; arpPacket.hardware = ETHERNET; // We want an IP address resolved arpPacket.protocol = IPPACKET; arpPacket.hardwareSize = 0x06; // sizeof(deviceMAC); arpPacket.protocolSize = 0x04; // sizeof(deviceIP); arpPacket.opCode = ARPREQUEST; // Target MAC is set to 0 as it is unknown memset(arpPacket.targetMAC, 0, 6); // Sender MAC is the ENC28J60's MAC address memcpy(arpPacket.senderMAC, deviceMAC, 6); // The target IP is the IP address we want resolved memcpy(arpPacket.targetIP, targetIP, 4); // Check if the last reply has come from an IP address that we want i.e. someone else is already using it if (!memcmp(targetIP, deviceIP, 4)) { // Yes, someone is using our IP so set the sender IP to memset(arpPacket.senderIP, 0, 4); } else { // No, nobody is using our IP so we can use it confidently memcpy(arpPacket.senderIP, deviceIP, 4); } // Send the packet debugstr("Sending ARP request."); debugcrlf(); enc28j60PacketSend(sizeof(ARP), &arpPacket); } void net_test(void) { while (1) { while (!ENC_GetReceivedFrame(&handle)); uint16_t len = handle.RxFrameInfos.length; uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)handle.RxFrameInfos.buffer; packetloop_arp_icmp_tcp(buffer, len); } } void enc28j60PacketSend(unsigned short buflen, void *buffer) { if (ENC_RestoreTXBuffer(&handle, buflen) == 0) { ENC_WriteBuffer((unsigned char *) buffer, buflen); handle.transmitLength = buflen; ENC_Transmit(&handle); } } void init_network(void) { handle.Init.DuplexMode = ETH_MODE_HALFDUPLEX; handle.Init.MACAddr = myMAC; handle.Init.ChecksumMode = ETH_CHECKSUM_BY_HARDWARE; handle.Init.InterruptEnableBits = EIE_LINKIE | EIE_PKTIE; debugstr("Starting network up."); debugcrlf(); if (!ENC_Start(&handle)) { debugstr("Could not initialise network card."); } else { debugstr("Setting MAC address to C0:FF:EE:C0:FF:EE."); debugcrlf(); ENC_SetMacAddr(&handle); debugstr("Network card successfully initialised."); } debugcrlf(); debugstr("Waiting for ifup... "); while (!(handle.LinkStatus & PHSTAT2_LSTAT)) ENC_IRQHandler(&handle); debugstr("done."); debugcrlf(); debugstr("Initialising the TCP stack... "); init_udp_or_www_server(myMAC, deviceIP); debugstr("done."); debugcrlf(); // Re-enable global interrupts ENC_EnableInterrupts(EIE_INTIE); }