#include "include/wgtspr.h" #include "include/mem.h" #include "include/multicore.h" // ######## REQUIRED FUNCTIONS ######## unsigned long state0 = 1000; unsigned long state1 = 2000; unsigned long rand(void) { unsigned long s1 = state0; unsigned long s0 = state1; state0 = s0; s1 ^= s1 << 23; s1 ^= s1 >> 17; s1 ^= s0; s1 ^= s0 >> 26; state1 = s1; return state0 + state1; } // ######## STUB FUNCTIONS ######## unsigned int kb = 0; unsigned int kbhit(void) { kb++; return kb / 500; } void getch(void) { wait_msec(0x500000); kb = 0; } // ######## WGT EXAMPLES ######## #define SPRITES_IN_FILE 20 /* We're loading 20 sprites */ int i; /* Generic counter */ color palette[256]; /* Our palette */ block sprites[SPRITES_IN_FILE+1]; /* Pointers to sprites */ int quit; /* if quit !=0, program quits */ void looper (void); /* Function to move cursor */ void wgt23() { set_clock_rate(get_max_clock()); mem_init(); vga256 (); start_core2(minit); // Start the comms engine (core 2) while (!comms_up); // Wait for comms up /* Load our sprites from the file. Palette is loaded too */ extern unsigned char _binary_bin_mouse_spr_start[]; wloadsprites (palette, &_binary_bin_mouse_spr_start[0], sprites, 0, SPRITES_IN_FILE); wsetpalette (0, 255, palette); /* Initialize the WGT sprite system */ initialize_sprites (sprites); maxsprite = 1; /* number of sprites on */ for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) /* draw a background */ { wsetcolor (vgapal[i]); wline (0, i, 159, i); wline (160, 199 - i, 319, 199 - i); } wcopyscreen (0, 0, 319, 199, NULL, 0, 0, backgroundscreen); wcopyscreen (0, 0, 319, 199, NULL, 0, 0, spritescreen); /* when using sprites, whatever is on the visual page must be on spritescreen too! */ /* Also, you must make sure you turn a sprite on AFTER you draw the background or it will leave a black spot where the sprite is first shown. */ wsetscreen (spritescreen); spriteon (1, 160, 100, 1); /* turn on any sprites */ animate (1, "(1,30)(2,30)(3,30)(4,30)(3,30)(2,30)R"); animon (1); /* animate the sprite */ do { looper (); /* Position cursor where mouse is */ } while (!quit); spriteoff (1); /* turn off sprites */ /* To be safe, turn off all sprites before ending your program. This will free any memory used from them. */ deinitialize_sprites (); mdeinit (); /* Deinitialize the mouse handler */ wfreesprites (sprites, 0, SPRITES_IN_FILE); /* free memory */ } void looper (void) { erase_sprites(); /* clear the sprites */ s[1].x = mx; /* any direct sprite movements must be placed */ s[1].y = my; /* between erasespr and drawspr */ /* This will place sprite number 1 where the mouse cursor is. */ draw_sprites (1); /* draw them back on */ wait_msec(0x3E9F); if (but) quit = 1; } void main() { wgt23(); while (1); }