#include "io.h" #include "bt.h" #include "fb.h" #define memcmp __builtin_memcmp #define MAX_MSG_LEN 50 #define MAX_READ_RUN 100 unsigned char data_buf[MAX_MSG_LEN]; unsigned int data_len; unsigned int messages_received = 0; unsigned int poll_state = 0; enum { LE_EVENT_CODE = 0x3e, LE_CONNECT_CODE = 0x01, LE_ADREPORT_CODE = 0x02, HCI_EVENT_PKT = 0x04 }; unsigned int got_echo_sid = 0; unsigned int got_echo_name = 0; unsigned char echo_addr[6]; unsigned int connected = 0; unsigned int connection_handle = 0; void poll2(unsigned char byte) { switch (poll_state) { case 0: if (byte != HCI_EVENT_PKT) poll_state = 0; else poll_state = 1; break; case 1: if (byte != LE_EVENT_CODE) poll_state = 0; else poll_state = 2; break; case 2: if (byte > MAX_MSG_LEN) poll_state = 0; else { poll_state = 3; data_len = byte; } break; default: data_buf[poll_state - 3] = byte; if (poll_state == data_len + 3 - 1) { messages_received++; poll_state = 0; } else poll_state++; } } unsigned char *poll() { unsigned int goal = messages_received + 1; if (bt_isReadByteReady()) { unsigned int run = 0; while (run < MAX_READ_RUN && messages_received < goal && bt_isReadByteReady()) { unsigned char byte = bt_readByte(); poll2(byte); run++; } if (run == MAX_READ_RUN) return 0; else return data_buf; } return 0; } void bt_search() { unsigned char *buf; while ( (buf = poll()) ) { if (data_len >= 2) { if (buf[0] == LE_ADREPORT_CODE) { unsigned char numreports = buf[1]; if (numreports == 1) { unsigned char event_type = buf[2]; if (event_type == 0x00) { unsigned char buf_len = buf[10]; unsigned char ad_len = buf[11]; if (ad_len < data_len && buf_len + 11 == data_len - 1) { for (int c=9;c>=4;c--) echo_addr[9-c] = buf[c]; buf += 11; got_echo_sid = 0; got_echo_name = 0; // Reset the search state machine do { ad_len = buf[0]; unsigned char ad_type = buf[1]; buf += 2; if (ad_len >= 2) { if (ad_type == 0x03) { unsigned int sid=0; for (int d=0;d= 2) { if (buf[0] == LE_CONNECT_CODE && !connected) { connected = !buf[1]; uart_hex(connected); uart_writeText(" "); connection_handle = buf[2] | (buf[3] << 8); uart_hex(connection_handle); uart_writeText(" "); } } } } void main() { uart_init(); bt_init(); uart_writeText("Initialising Bluetooth: "); bt_reset(); bt_loadfirmware(); bt_setbaud(); bt_setbdaddr(); // Print the BD_ADDR unsigned char local_addr[6]; bt_getbdaddr(local_addr); for (int c=5;c>=0;c--) uart_byte(local_addr[c]); uart_writeText("\n"); // Start scanning for echo setLEeventmask(0xff); startActiveScanning(); uart_writeText("Waiting for echo: "); while (!(got_echo_sid && got_echo_name)) bt_search(); for (int c=0;c<=5;c++) uart_byte(echo_addr[c]); uart_writeText("\n"); stopScanning(); // Ask to connect to the echo uart_writeText("Connecting to echo: "); connect(echo_addr); while (!connected) bt_conn(); uart_writeText("-> "); uart_hex(connection_handle); uart_writeText("\n"); // Into the main infinite loop uart_writeText("Waiting for input...\n"); while (1) uart_update(); /* // Get the Eddystone beacon going uart_writeText("startActiveAdvertising()\n"); startActiveAdvertising(); */ }