
114 lines
2.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "wgtspr.h"
#include "include/mem.h"
// ######## REQUIRED FUNCTIONS ########
unsigned long state0 = 1000;
unsigned long state1 = 2000;
unsigned long rand(void)
unsigned long s1 = state0;
unsigned long s0 = state1;
state0 = s0;
s1 ^= s1 << 23;
s1 ^= s1 >> 17;
s1 ^= s0;
s1 ^= s0 >> 26;
state1 = s1;
return state0 + state1;
// ######## STUB FUNCTIONS ########
unsigned int kb = 0;
unsigned int kbhit(void) {
return kb / 500;
void getch(void) {
kb = 0;
// ######## WGT EXAMPLES ########
#define SPRITES_IN_FILE 50
color palette[256];
block sprites[SPRITES_IN_FILE+1];
void looper (void); /* a routine which controls the sprites */
void wgt22()
vga256 (); /* Initializes WGT system */
extern unsigned char _binary_bin_invader_spr_start[];
wloadsprites (palette, &_binary_bin_invader_spr_start[0], sprites, 0, SPRITES_IN_FILE);
/* load first 50 sprites */
wsetpalette (0, 255, palette);
initialize_sprites (sprites); /* initialize them */
maxsprite = 10; /* number of sprites on */
/* Spriteon has the following format:
Sprite number, x coord, y coord, sprite number in array of sprites
Therefore sprite #1 would be displayed at 160,150 with sprite 1 in the array */
spriteon (1, 160, 150, 1); /* turn on any sprites */
spriteon (2, 10, 100, 3); /* you need */
/* This move will go left 1, for 300 times, and right 1 for 300 times,
and repeat */
movex (2, "(1,300,0)(-1,300,0)R");
movexon (2);
movex (1, "(1,150,0)(-1,150,0)R"); /* set up any movement */
movexon (1); /* or animation needed */
/* This animation will animate sprite 2 through a sequence of sprites
in the sprite array and keep repeating. */
animate (2,"(3,50)(4,50)(5,50)(4,50)R");
animon (2);
do {
looper ();
} while (1);
spriteoff (1); /* turn off sprites */
spriteoff (2);
/* To be safe, turn off all sprites before ending program.
This will free any memory used from them. */
wfreesprites (sprites, 0, SPRITES_IN_FILE); /* free memory */
deinitialize_sprites ();
void looper (void)
erase_sprites (); /* clear the sprites */
/* any direct sprite movements must be placed */
/* between erase_sprites and draw_sprites */
/* notice how sprites #1 and #2 move and animates on their own now!
You don't need to change anything to make them move! */
draw_sprites (1); /* draw them back on */
wait_msec(0x3E9F); /* Try removing this to see how fast the
sprite engine really is */
void main()
while (1);