Instead of a background DMA transfer, I suggested that we might use a second CPU core to play the audio whilst our main core continues on. I also said it would be hard on the Raspberry Pi 4... and it is.
I wrote this code as I referenced [Sergey Matyukevich's work](, for which I am very grateful. It did need some modification to ensure the secondary cores are woken up when the time is right. This code isn't particularly "safe" yet, but it's good enough to prove the concept in principle.
Perhaps the most important here is the `kernel_old=1` directive. This tells the bootloader to expect the kernel at offset `0x00000` instead of `0x80000`. As such, we'll need to remove this line from our _link.ld_:
. = 0x80000; /* Kernel load address for AArch64 */
It also won't lock the secondary cores for us on boot, so we will still be able to access them (more on this later).
There is one other important piece of setup that we'll need to take care of ourselves now - establishing the main timer. We add the following `#define` block to the top of _boot.S_:
`LOCAL_CONTROL` is the address of the ARM_CONTROL register. At the top of our `_start:` section we'll set this to zero, effectively telling the ARM main timer to use the crystal clock as a source and set the increment value to 1:
We go on to set the prescaler - think of this as another clock divisor equivalent. Setting it thus will effectively make this divisor 1 (i.e. it will have no effect):
mov w1, 0x80000000
You should remember the expected oscillator frequency of 54Mhz from part9. We set this with the following lines:
We go on to check the processor ID as we always have. If it's zero then we're on the main core and we jump forward to label `2:`. This time, we have to set our stack pointer slightly differently. We can't set it below our code, because it's at 0x00000 now! Instead, we use the address we defined earlier as `MAIN_STACK` at the top:
We then continue to clear the BSS as always, and jump to our `main()` function in C code. If it does happen to return, we branch back to `1:` to halt the core.
Previously, we've unequivocally halted the other cores by spinning them in an infinite loop at label `1:`. Instead, each core will now watch a value at its own designated memory address, initialised to zero at the bottom of _boot.S_, and named as `spin_cpu0-3`. If this value goes non-zero, then that's a signal to wake up and jump to that memory location, executing whatever code is there. Once that code returns, we start looping and watching all over again.
ldr x4, [x5, x1, lsl #3] // Add (8 * core_number) to the base address and load what's there into x4
cbz x4, 1b // Loop if zero, otherwise continue
ldr x1, =__test_stack // Get ourselves a fresh stack
mov sp, x1
mov x0, #0 // Zero registers x0-x3, just in case
mov x1, #0
mov x2, #0
mov x3, #0
br x4 // Run the code at the address in x4
b 1b
You'll notice that we've set our stack pointer elsewhere for this secondary core. This is to avoid it conflicting with the main core activity. We establish this pointer to a safe 512-bytes by adding the following to our _link.ld_:
.testStack :
. = ALIGN(16); // 16 bit aligned
. = . + 512; // 512 bytes long
__test_stack = .; // Pointer to the end (stack grows down)
Phew! That's it for the bootloader code. If you use this new bootloader with your existing code, the RPi4 should boot and run as before. We now need to go on to implement the signalling required to execute code on these secondary cores which are now at our disposal.