/* * Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Jordan Bancino <@jordan:bancino.net> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BLOCK 64 /* * Anything that can be done in the language itself should; to * keep the interpreter minimal. Note that this has the side effect * of allowing the runtime to become corrupted or undefined which * may lead to confusing behavior, but the language primitives * cannot be corrupted, so things can always be corrected. */ static char runtime[] = "[def let; name, value; [eval [(]def [name][;][;][value][)]]]" "[def not; cond; [if [cond];;true]]" "[def (); str; [(][str][)]]" "[def #;;]" "[def //;;]" ; static Stream *err; static int debug; typedef struct Definition { Array *args; char *body; } Definition; static char * EvalExpr(char *expr, Array * stack); static char * ReadExpr(Stream * in) { size_t len = 0; size_t size = 0; size_t level = 1; int c; char *expr; char *tmp; size += BLOCK; expr = Malloc(size * sizeof(char)); if (!expr) { return NULL; } while ((c = StreamGetc(in)) != EOF) { if (len + 1 >= size) { size += BLOCK; tmp = Realloc(expr, size * sizeof(char)); if (!tmp) { Free(expr); return NULL; } expr = tmp; } if (c == ']') { if (level > 0) { level--; } if (!level) { break; } } if (c == '[') { level++; } expr[len] = c; len++; } expr[len] = '\0'; return expr; } static char * Eval(char **argp, Array * stack) { size_t len; size_t size; char *res; char *tmp; char *arg = *argp; len = 0; size = BLOCK; res = Malloc(size * sizeof(char)); if (!res) { return NULL; } while (*arg) { if (len + 1 >= size) { size += BLOCK; tmp = Realloc(res, size * sizeof(char)); if (!tmp) { Free(res); return NULL; } res = tmp; } if (*arg == ';') { res[len] = '\0'; break; } else if (*arg == '[') { size_t level = 1; char *endp; char *evalRes; char *base; arg++; endp = arg; while (level && *endp) { if (*endp == ']') { if (level > 0) { level--; } if (!level) { break; } } else if (*endp == '[') { level++; } endp++; } *endp = '\0'; evalRes = EvalExpr(arg, stack); base = evalRes; while (*evalRes) { if (len + 1 >= size) { size += BLOCK; tmp = Realloc(res, size * sizeof(char)); if (!tmp) { Free(base); Free(res); return NULL; } res = tmp; } res[len] = *evalRes; len++; evalRes++; } Free(base); *endp = ']'; arg = endp; } else { res[len] = *arg; len++; } arg++; } if (*arg == ';') { arg++; while (isspace(*arg)) { arg++; } } res[len] = '\0'; *argp = arg; return res; } static char * EvalExpr(char *expr, Array * stack) { char *argv = expr; char *op = expr; char ops; char *opi; char *res; while (*argv && !isspace(*argv)) { argv++; } ops = *argv; opi = argv; *argv = '\0'; argv++; if (StrEquals(op, "(")) { res = StrDuplicate("["); } else if (StrEquals(op, ")")) { res = StrDuplicate("]"); } else if (StrEquals(op, ";")) { res = StrDuplicate(";"); } else if (StrEquals(op, "env")) { char *env = Eval(&argv, stack); char *val = getenv(env); Free(env); if (!val) { val = ""; } res = StrDuplicate(val); } else if (StrEquals(op, "eval")) { char *expr = Eval(&argv, stack); char *tmp = expr; res = Eval(&tmp, stack); Free(expr); } else if (StrEquals(op, "if")) { char *cond = Eval(&argv, stack); /* * If the condition is false, seek past the true argument * without evaluating it. */ if (StrBlank(cond)) { size_t level = 0; while (*argv) { switch (*argv) { case '[': level++; break; case ']': if (level > 0) { level--; } break; case ';': if (!level) { argv++; while (isspace(*argv)) { argv++; } goto end_loop; } break; } argv++; } } end_loop: res = Eval(&argv, stack); Free(cond); } else if (StrEquals(op, "eq?")) { char *s1 = Eval(&argv, stack); char *s2 = Eval(&argv, stack); if (StrEquals(s1, s2)) { res = StrDuplicate("true"); } else { res = StrDuplicate(""); } Free(s1); Free(s2); } else if (StrEquals(op, "def?")) { Definition *def; size_t i; char *directive = Eval(&argv, stack); for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(stack); i++) { HashMap *stackFrame = ArrayGet(stack, i); def = HashMapGet(stackFrame, directive); if (def) { break; } } if (def) { res = StrDuplicate("true"); } else { res = StrDuplicate(""); } Free(directive); } else if (StrEquals(op, "print")) { char *msg = Eval(&argv, stack); StreamPrintf(err, msg); Free(msg); res = StrDuplicate(""); } else if (StrEquals(op, "def")) { char *name = Eval(&argv, stack); char *args = Eval(&argv, stack); char *body = argv; char *tok; HashMap *stackFrame; size_t i; Definition *def = Malloc(sizeof(Definition)); def->body = StrDuplicate(body); def->args = ArrayCreate(); if (debug) { StreamPrintf(err, "(def op = '%s', args = [", name); } tok = strtok(args, ","); while (tok) { while (isspace(*tok)) { tok++; } ArrayAdd(def->args, StrDuplicate(tok)); if (debug) { StreamPrintf(err, "'%s', ", tok); } tok = strtok(NULL, ","); } if (debug) { StreamPrintf(err, "], body = '%s')\n", def->body); } Free(args); stackFrame = ArrayGet(stack, ArraySize(stack) - 1); def = HashMapSet(stackFrame, name, def); if (def) { for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(def->args); i++) { Free(ArrayGet(def->args, i)); } ArrayFree(def->args); Free(def->body); Free(def); } Free(name); res = StrDuplicate(""); } else if (StrEquals(op, "undef")) { char *name = Eval(&argv, stack); HashMap *stackFrame = ArrayGet(stack, ArraySize(stack) - 1); Definition *def = HashMapDelete(stackFrame, name); Free(name); if (def) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(def->args); i++) { Free(ArrayGet(def->args, i)); } ArrayFree(def->args); Free(def->body); Free(def); } res = StrDuplicate(""); } else if (StrEquals(op, "include")) { char *fileName = Eval(&argv, stack); Stream *file = StreamOpen(fileName, "r"); size_t size; size_t len; char c; Free(fileName); if (!file) { res = StrDuplicate(""); goto finish; } size = BLOCK; len = 0; res = Malloc(size * sizeof(char)); while ((c = StreamGetc(file)) != EOF) { if (len + 1 >= size) { size += BLOCK; res = Realloc(res, size * sizeof(char)); } res[len] = c; len++; } res[len] = '\0'; StreamClose(file); } else { /* Locate macro on stack and execute it */ Definition *def; char *body; HashMap *stackFrame; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(stack); i++) { stackFrame = ArrayGet(stack, i); def = HashMapGet(stackFrame, op); if (def) { break; } } if (!def) { res = StrDuplicate(""); goto finish; } stackFrame = HashMapCreate(); for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(def->args); i++) { char *argName = ArrayGet(def->args, i); char *argVal = Eval(&argv, stack); Definition *argDef = Malloc(sizeof(Definition)); argDef->args = NULL; argDef->body = argVal; HashMapSet(stackFrame, argName, argDef); } ArrayInsert(stack, 0, stackFrame); body = def->body; res = Eval(&body, stack); ArrayDelete(stack, 0); while (HashMapIterate(stackFrame, &body, (void **) &def)) { for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(def->args); i++) { Free(ArrayGet(def->args, i)); } ArrayFree(def->args); Free(def->body); Free(def); } HashMapFree(stackFrame); } finish: *opi = ops; return res; } static int Process(Stream * in, Stream * out, Array * stack) { int c; while ((c = StreamGetc(in)) != EOF) { if (c == '[') { char *expr; char *res; expr = ReadExpr(in); res = EvalExpr(expr, stack); StreamPuts(out, res); StreamFlush(out); Free(expr); Free(res); } else { StreamPutc(out, c); } StreamFlush(out); } return 1; } int Main(Array * args) { ArgParseState arg; int opt; int ret = EXIT_FAILURE; size_t i; Array *stack; char *rt; Stream *in; Stream *out; Array *eval = ArrayCreate(); debug = 0; in = StreamStdin(); out = StreamStdout(); err = StreamStderr(); ArgParseStateInit(&arg); while ((opt = ArgParse(&arg, args, "i:o:e:d")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'i': if (StrEquals(arg.optArg, "-")) { in = StreamStdin(); } in = StreamOpen(arg.optArg, "r"); if (!in) { StreamPrintf(err, "Unable to open '%s' for reading\n", arg.optArg); goto finish; } break; case 'o': if (StrEquals(arg.optArg, "-")) { out = StreamStdout(); } out = StreamOpen(arg.optArg, "w"); if (!out) { StreamPrintf(err, "Unable to open '%s' for writing.\n", arg.optArg); goto finish; } break; case 'e': ArrayAdd(eval, StrDuplicate(arg.optArg)); break; case 'd': debug = 1; break; default: goto finish; } } stack = ArrayCreate(); ArrayAdd(stack, HashMapCreate()); /* * Evaluate the runtime environment, discarding any * output because the purpose is only to set the initial * state, not to produce extra output. */ rt = runtime; Free(Eval(&rt, stack)); /* * Evaluate any expressions specified on the command line, * interpolating them in the output if they produce anything * because that is the expected behavior. */ for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(eval); i++) { char *expr = ArrayGet(eval, i); char *res = Eval(&expr, stack); StreamPuts(out, res); Free(res); } Process(in, out, stack); for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(stack); i++) { HashMap *stackFrame = ArrayGet(stack, i); char *key; Definition *val; while (HashMapIterate(stackFrame, &key, (void **) &val)) { size_t j; for (j = 0; j < ArraySize(val->args); j++) { Free(ArrayGet(val->args, j)); } ArrayFree(val->args); Free(val->body); Free(val); } HashMapFree(stackFrame); } ArrayFree(stack); ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; finish: for (i = 0; i < ArraySize(eval); i++) { Free(ArrayGet(eval, i)); } ArrayFree(eval); if (in != StreamStdin()) { StreamClose(in); } if (out != StreamStdout()) { StreamClose(out); } return ret; }