.Dd $Mdocdate: April 30 2023 $ .Dt TELODENDRIA 8 .Os Telodendria Project .Sh NAME .Nm telodendria .Nd Daemon command line manual for Telodendria administrators. .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm .Op Fl nVv .Op Fl f Ar file .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm is a Matrix homeserver written entirely from scratch in ANSI C. It is designed to be lightweight and simple, yet functional. .sp The options are as follows: .Bl -tag -width Ds .It Fl d Ar dir Specify the data directory to use. All persistant storage that Telodendria requires is saved and loaded here. .It Fl V Only print the version information header and then quit. .It Fl v Verbose mode. This overrides the configuration file and sets the log level to .Em LOG_DEBUG . It also enables extra logging of memory operations, which can be useful for debugging. .El .Sh ENVIRONMENT .Nm does not read any environment variables. All configuration should be done via the configuration file. .Sh FILES Just the data directory. Telodendria does not read any files outside of its data directory, with the exception of TLS files if configured. .Sh SIGNALS Telodendria recognizes a number of signals that it handles: .Bl -tag -width Ds .It PIPE This signal is ignored, because all I/O errors should be handled properly. .It USR1 Perform a soft restart by shutting down the HTTP servers and resetting all program state. However, the daemon process does not exit. .It TERM Perform a clean shutdown after all existing connections are closed. .It INT Perform a clean shutdown after all existing connections are closed. .El .Pp Any other signals are not explicitly handled, so they have the default behavior defined by the operating system. .Sh EXIT STATUS .Nm exits with a non-0 exit code if the configuration file is invalid, or one or more required paths is inaccessible. .Nm will print an error to the log and then terminate abnormally. .Pp .Nm exits with a code of 0 if the configuration file is valid, all paths and files required are accessible, and the HTTP listener starts as intended. If .Nm is sent a signal that it catches after it begins servicing requests, it will still exit with a code of 0 after it safely shuts down, because the bootstrap process completed successfully, and by all accounts, it ran normally and exitted normally. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr telodendria 7 , .Xr telodendria-setup 7 , .Xr telodendria-admin 7