
Tel-ə-'den-drē-ə: The terminal aborizations of an axon.

Telodendria is an open source Matrix homeserver implementation written from scratch in ANSI C and designed to be lightweight and simple, yet functional.

Note: Telodendria is under heavy development. Please see the Project Status.

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Telodendria's documentation is distributed with the source code as man pages, which contain all of the information on what Telodendria is, what its goals are, how to build the source, configure it, as well as contribute to the project. The man pages are also available online for convenience:

User Documentation:

Man Page Description
telodendria(7) Start here. This page contains the project introduction, and provides information about it, such as its status, how to contact the developers, and what the source code license is.
telodendria-setup(7) Setup instructions for OpenBSD.
telodendria(8) Command line usage for Telodendria administrators.
telodendria.conf(5) Configuration file options.
telodendria-contributing(7) Contributing guide.

Developer Documentation:

Man Page Description
td(8) Build script and patch generation instructions.
Array(3) Dynamically-sized array API.
Base64(3) Base64 implementation with Matrix's "unpadded base64" support.
HashMap(3) A simple hash map implementation.
Queue(3) Basic fixed-size circular queue implementation.


Telodendria is distributed as source tarballs, in true Unix fashion. If you want, you can verify the checksum of your download, and check the signature. To check the signature, you'll need signify, and the signify public key:

If your operating system has an official package or port of Telodendria, you should prefer to use that instead of manually downloading the source and building it. If your operating system's package or port is too out of date for your tastes, please contact the package's maintainers to notify them, or offer to update the package yourself.

Version Download Checksum Signature
No downloads here yet. See the Project Status for more information.

You can find the change log in the documentation.


© 2022 Jordan Bancino <>