diff --git a/site/index.html b/site/index.html
index c73f920..fc6412b 100644
--- a/site/index.html
+++ b/site/index.html
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ can get involved.
Implement configuration file parsing using the hash map
Base64 encoding/decoding with padded/unpadded support
Write a release script
-UTF-8 encoder/decoder (UTF-8 codepoint chars to int, vice versa)
+UTF-8 encoder
Implement a JSON library using the hash map and array
@@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ Implement a JSON library using the hash map and array
- Keys are sorted lexicographically by Unicode code point
- Floats are not allowed (fail on encountering a float)
-- Encode as UTF-8 instead of using
+Encode as UTF-8 instead of using \u
+Decode encoded strings to UTF-8
-Write a TelodendriaServerTs
that gets the current
-Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
+Write a function that gets the current Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
Figure out how to wWrite unit tests for array/hashmap/etc
Parse the Telodendria config file
Add license/documentation comments to all source files